How to advance labor naturally when it does not arrive

You are nine months pregnant and the day you meet (the so-called probable due date) days ago. In the environment, nerves begin to float, friendships begin to talk about inductions, caesarean sections and the one whose child was born so so because it had been too many days. Even in the hospital there are those who talk about income and inductions and you, who believed that everything would be fine or that you had the hope that it was, you begin to see that perhaps there is something in you that fails and you almost pray that your baby is born before nobody induces or causes anything.

The reality is that children, in a way, are like apples, which fall when they are ripe, but not before and, of course, not all at the same time. However, the protocols establish limits from which we tend to intervene (usually after 42 weeks), when a little more could be expected, taking some controls to verify that everything is going well, thus avoiding the risks of a induced labor because the calculation of the probable date of childbirth and the weeks of gestation is usually unsuccessful and it may be thought that he is a baby who has been gesturing for too long when he may still have a week to reach 42 weeks.

In any case, just in case any mother is immersed in the spiral of "you do not give birth, I think I will give you time to induce labor" or if you want to prevent it, we will explain some tricks to advance the birth in a natural way that, whatever is said, may work or not.

Relaxation, calm and tranquility

The main thing is to try to live it with the least possible anxiety. The moment a woman starts to get nervous, the body secretes adrenaline to act as a defense and Adrenaline acts as an oxytocin inhibitor, which is the hormone responsible for labor to begin.

Just as there are many couples who become pregnant when they eliminate stress ("when they stopped looking for a baby, they got pregnant"), childbirth can come at the time when you relax more and less think about it.

In Babies and more, are there foods that induce labor?

Laughter and good humor

It seems a lie, but something as simple as laughter helps eliminate emotional and physical blockages. Find something that has fun for you, makes you laugh and forgets sorrows and worries.

Walker, there is no way ...

Walking is one of the best known and most used tips when trying to speed up a delivery. The fact of walking or dancing, and more so if it is in irregular terrain, where more movements of the pelvis occur, can help the baby to descend and fit by pressing the cervix and helping to start (or accelerate) the dilation. If there is no winding terrain in between, it can be useful to go down the stairs sideways or dance around the hip.

Make love and not war

You may feel like it and maybe not. With the belly it is even a little difficult, however the sperm contains prostaglandins, which are precisely the hormones that are used to induce labor. This means that the ideal is that you make love as many times as you want by ejaculating the man inside the vagina. If you also reach orgasm, better than better, because orgasms cause contractions in the uterus.

This measure is contraindicated if you have already broken waters, due to the risk of infection.

In Babies and more, what happens if I don't give birth?

Stimulate the nipples

Nipple stimulation, as we already know what happens during breastfeeding, causes oxytocin secretion, which is the hormone that triggers labor.

It can be done by hand, with a breast pump or with a baby (if you have a child who is breastfeeding, breastfeed more often).

It begins with only one breast, stop stimulating during contractions. If these do not occur when stimulating one breast, both are stimulated at the same time.


The mother's movements contribute to the baby going down the birth canal, softening the cervix to cause the birth.


One of the tricks of every mother to notice the movements of her baby in the belly is to drink chocolate. Chocolate is exciting, as is caffeine and, normally, it also stimulates the baby. In this case, chocolate can encourage you to move and perhaps this way the delivery is triggered.

They may work or not

As I have already mentioned, these methods may work or not, since they are equivalent to the breath of wind that the apple that, already ripening, expected to fall a few hours later, could fall. If the child is not mature, there will be no homemade invention to get him out. If it is, there is some hope or opportunity. Ideally, in any case, babies should be allowed to finish maturing the time they needed, increasing controls to verify that everything is going well. There are children who with 39 weeks are born perfectly mature and others who with 41 weeks would still have needed a few more days.

Video: Part 2 - ACTIVE LABOR and When to GO to the HOSPITAL. Birth Doula (July 2024).