A test would determine how long the woman is fertile

Would the birth rate change and our way of planning maternity if women knew their deadline to conceive?

A new test has been developed that will indicate to women the age limit from which they will not be able to conceive a child. Thanks to a blood test that measures the hormones of the ovaries you can predict how many fertile years the woman has left.

This new test developed in Tehran (Iran) will indicate to women how many fertile years they have left. The test was recently presented at the annual conference of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in Rome.

A team of researchers studied women between the ages of twenty and forty-nine. Research results indicate that the marker of the ovarian antimullerian hormone (AMH) predicts when will menopause come.

And this even in tests performed on young women (although evidently not enough years have been expected to verify that this is so).

AMH plays an important role in the reproductive life of women. This hormone is produced by the cells present in the ovaries and is responsible for controlling the development of the follicles, the site where the ovules develop.

Specifically, we read that the team managed to predict the age of menopause arrival of 63 women with an average accuracy of about three months, although in one case they failed for four years.

The usefulness of this test, which still needs more tests to confirm its results, seems relative. Especially in the case of the conception that, the later, the harder it occurs (and also does not depend exclusively on the fact that there are eggs), and also because there are currently other methods of fertility preservation for those who decide to delay motherhood.

I don't know if I would decide to do this "Biological clock test"I really don't find it too useful, but maybe some women think it's important know when menopause will come.

Video: Pregnancy FAQs : How to Know Your Most Fertile Time to Get Pregnant (July 2024).