Detect autism from the first babbling

In recent years, cases of autism have increased significantly among children, with early diagnosis being one of the keys to effective treatment, so it is encouraging to know that it could be detect autism from the first babbling.

A new system has been tested in the United States known as the LENA (acronym in English for Environmental Language Analysis) that records babble babbles and is able to identify through prelinguistic syllables that children emit if they suffer from autism or a late development of speech.

The test was conducted with 282 children whose vocalizations were analyzed according to 12 parameters related to the evolution of language, being able to differentiate those that are typical of children suffering from autism or speech delay.

According to the researchers who carried out the study, this way of measuring the babble of babies to detect autism has 86% accuracy, a high percentage that could help identify more cases at an early age.

Although they say that at 18 months of age the disorder can already be diagnosed, the age at which it is usually discovered in children is around 5-6 years.

The positive of this new technology applied to Autism detection from the first babble of the baby It is that by gaining time in the diagnosis, earlier and more effective treatments can be focused that will undoubtedly affect the well-being of the child.

Video: Autism Signs (July 2024).