A woman gives birth in front of the portal of her house

There are several occasions in which news of women have been published that does not give them time to give birth in a minimally adapted site. Airplanes, cars, the home itself when it was intended to go to a hospital and especially the street have become makeshift scenarios of various births of babies who did not want to wait.

This has happened again a few days ago in Madrid, where Eva María Drake, 45, gave birth to her son at about half past nine at night, in the same portal of his house.

Eva Maria was about to take a taxi with her mother to go to the hospital when she began to notice that the process was accelerating vertiginously. Instead of the taxi, who came was the Municipal Police, who was passing by and saw the woman sitting on the sidewalk.

The agents ended up attending the delivery by realizing that the child was about to leave. Minutes later, a Samur team arrived to assist the mother and the baby and transfer them to Gregorio Marañón Hospital.

The baby, whose name is Sergio, weighed two kilos and 700 grams and is in good health, just like his mother.

The truth is that for a father (me) who has seen how the births of his children were hours and even days (Aran was born after a week of contractions thanks to a medication that made them ineffective), such a delivery gives even envy. Yes, I know that giving birth on the street and being treated by the Municipal Police should not be the dream of any mother, but I would not disgust, as a father, a delivery so fast in the hospital (or at home, according to third).

Video: Pregnant Mom Dies in Car Crash That Suspect Livestreamed on Facebook (July 2024).