#ActivaTuPoder, the campaign in which Disney characters encourage children not to look the other way in the face of bullying

The Mutua Madrileña Foundation and Walt Disney Company have teamed up to create the #ActivaTuPoder campaign, a project to raise children's awareness about the importance of not looking the other way when witness a case of bullying to other colleagues.

The great campaign brings together Disney characters, Marvel superheroes and Star Wars protagonists who show students that only they have the power to stop the stalkers and end this terrible scourge.

In the video, 50 seconds long, you can see a group of students being witnesses of bullying that another classmate is suffering, and inspired by their favorite fictional characters (Buzz Lightyear, The Incredibles or Marvel superheroes, among others) decide to raise their voices and stand up to the stalker.

In Babies and more Lou, Pixar's great short film about bullying that invites us to reflect

With this great campaign, directed by the brothers filmmakers César and José Esteban, Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Disney want to encourage children to witness cases of bullying, to denounce and not look the other way, because for those who suffer, the consequences can be devastating, both physically and psychologically.

As we can read on the website of Fundación Mutua Madrileña, this awareness initiative is aimed especially at children in the age range in which there are more cases of bullying (between the ages of 11 and 13), although it also seeks to reach parents, and younger children.

The action plan will be developed throughout this year through different communication channels, including Disney channels, social networks and with the collaboration of various influencers.

Only through the Disney media (television channels and its APP) is it expected to impact around 80% of children in Spain between the ages of four and 13.

Sociological data of bullying

Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Fundación ANAR have been working for some time to raise awareness among young people of the need to fight against bullying through his project "Let's end bullying." In addition, they offer us sociological studies and campaigns about the reality of this problem.

In Babies and more Two children in each class suffer bullying or violence in Spain

According to a study carried out in 2017 by both entities, one in three students says that there is bullying in their class, and in 67 percent of cases this occurs by a group.

As for the most common ages at which students encounter this problem they are 12 and 13 years old (corresponding to the courses of 1st of ESO and 2nd of ESO), affecting almost the same proportion of boys as girls.

The latest survey showed hopeful data, because although there is an upward trend in the severity of violence and its frequency, there has been a decrease in registered cases and a greater social awareness is appreciated.

Bullying is a very serious issue that should not leave us indifferent. Preventing and curbing it is a work of the whole society, starting with schools and families, through education, awareness and prevention, until the application of other measures by other social organizations.