Better attention to children for their mental health

I can't agree more that a better attention to children for their mental health.

That is what mental health experts think they will meet tomorrow in Valencia in a scientific conference entitled 'Humanize small childhood contexts: a health option' Organized by the Association for Child Mental Health since Gestation.

Obstetricians, pediatricians, educators, and other professionals involved in the care of children will participate, who will consider the need to improve early childhood care from the moment of pregnancy.

They basically focus on two issues that should change for the benefit of children's mental health: childbirth care and how to learn "in a hurry."

They believe that a humanization is necessary in childbirth assistance and a pedagogical revolution based on the real development needs of the little ones.

Defend a more natural and spontaneous birth without abuse or unjustified invasive routines. They are based on scientific evidence to raise the need for a change, which is gradually taking place in some maternity hospitals, in which childbirth is the most rewarding experience possible for the family.

On the other hand, they will address the issue of children's education. The negative influence that hurries and the lack of time of today's society exerts on the healthy development of children. They criticize education prioritized only in the accumulation of knowledge.

It is a pleasure, because I completely agree with the approach, to hear opinions from experts such as Joan Domènech, director of the Public School Fructuós Gelabert of Barcelona .:

Current educational resources based on achieving rapid intellectual acquisitions

"They can relocate the child, and also his family, by prioritizing cognitive development to the detriment of emotional and relational life"


"a proposal of slow education as the axis of an authentic pedagogical renewal, faced with a type of accelerated society that has colonized our lives"

I have wanted to show you a bit the position of these experts that certainly leaves a good taste in your mouth. It is very consistent with the vision we give in Babies and more on these issues.

We agree that the effects of early childhood, from pregnancy itself, last in children throughout their lives and it is necessary to give them a better attention for your mental health.

Video: Children's Mental Health Disorders - A Journey for Parents and Children (July 2024).