Frequently asked questions in the first trimester of pregnancy (II)

A few days ago we started answering the Frequently asked questions of pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

We talk about the first symptoms, mood swings, body changes and weight gain or loss and today we will discuss other issues that are usually in the minds of women who have just become pregnant and even in their partners .

I have hardly any symptoms, is it normal?

Yes, it is. Most pregnant women suffer from one or more of the symptoms that we mentioned in the previous post (tiredness, nausea, vomiting, ...), but not all of them. Some spend the first trimester knowing they are pregnant because the test was positive or because they have had an ultrasound that has confirmed that a baby is growing in their wombs.

These women begin to notice pregnancy from the second trimester, surely, that is when the belly begins to grow outwards.

But if the belly starts to grow at 12 weeks, why don't my pants go well anymore?

Many women soon notice waist pressure with their usual clothes and have to look for bigger pants or skirts. It is often thought that it is because the belly begins to grow due to pregnancy, but the reason is not usually the uterus, but the intestine (unless the woman is pregnant with more than one baby).

Hormonal changes cause more gas in the intestine and constipation occurs, creating a feeling of swelling that increases the abdominal perimeter.

Why do I have hot flashes?

When a pregnant woman remains, her metabolism begins to accelerate. This makes extra heat is generated that causes blood vessels to dilate. This increase in heat can cause women to have the so-called hot flashes. It is very difficult to avoid them, so the only thing that can be done is to minimize their action by wearing more than one fine garment to be able to remove and put on as needed.

Why can't I eat foods that I liked before?

This happens because of hormonal and chemical changes in the blood, which modify saliva. This makes the flavors change, sometimes to the point that a woman can not taste a bite of something she liked before. There is a theory that says that the body rejects those foods that could be harmful, although at the moment it is only a theory.

Will I have cravings? What they owe?

Well, it is possible that you have them because 75% of pregnant women have cravings. They can appear at any time of the day and cover any type of food (even the rarest one can imagine).

The cause is still undetermined, although it seems to be quite related to brain functioning. The areas of the brain involved in taste are very close to the areas that receive impulses from the uterus. As during pregnancy the nerve terminals of the uterus are sending signals to the brain could be activated, by proximity, some taste receptors, thus causing cravings.

The theory that says that craving comes with the intention of alleviating some nutritional deficiency of the pregnant woman is ruled out, although it can happen, as happens to all adults, that when they are with low blood glucose (they have not eaten for several hours ) want to eat sweet foods with high caloric content.

Although the baby was desired, the first thing I did when I heard the news was to cry, why?

How we live emotions and circumstances is something very particular of each person. It is very different to want to have a child than to discover that you are finally pregnant. This causes uncertainties, fears and suddenly you realize that your life will change so much that you may lose a lot of freedom.

Why do I urinate so often, if I then go to the toilet and barely have urine?

Why as the uterus dilates the bladder is compressed and the feeling of need to urinate comes earlier. By the second trimester, more or less in the equator of pregnancy, some relief is usually noticed because the uterus begins to dilate towards the upper abdomen, pressing less on the bladder. However, in the third trimester, the baby's weight and size causes the belly to fall by pressing the bladder again.

Can I drive while pregnant?

Yes, the danger is the same for the baby as for the pregnant woman, because the risk is to suffer an accident, as is the case with all drivers. You should always wear your seat belt (there was a time when it was recommended that pregnant women not wear it) and after 37 weeks it would be advisable to be accompanied or as a companion, in case you get a delivery.

Can I travel by plane?

Yes, there is no health reason for not doing so, unless you suffer from a disorder that contraindicates it (preeclampsia, for example). After 32 weeks it is very possible that the airlines will not let you do it, but not because there is a risk for you or the baby, but because from that moment the chances of getting into labor on the plane increase.

To be continue…

Within a few days we continue with the third and last entry answering the Frequently asked questions in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Video: Pregnancy - What could be the reasons for bleeding in the first trimester? BMI Healthcare (July 2024).