More than 300 friends on Facebook and not yet born

One of the strangest pages of Facebook Its the Marriah Green, a four month old fetus, or rather, gestation, which was created by her mother to explain how her pregnancy was going.

As a profile picture he put a dark ultrasound of the little girl and on the profile they wrote both the mother and the father, initially as parents, but then in the first person, as if it were Marriah who told it.

Once the page was created, Matt and Ellie, the parents, invited their friends to inform them of the progress. The next day they had 100 friends and this past Wednesday there were more than 300.

The news of the existence of the profile of an unborn baby began to run and the number of Internet users who wanted to join began to grow. The parents, however, explained to The Huffington Post that they only accepted familiar people.

What was initially only a means to tell friends about their pregnancy became a diary in which Matt, a 37-year-old nurse, and Ellie, 25, explained the little kicks that little Marriah gave.

Now Those responsible for Facebook, upon hearing the news, have decided to delete the profile. He has not given explanations of the reason, although they probably have accepted the rule that says it is forbidden to open profiles that “provide false personal information” or “create an account on behalf of another or without the authorization of a third party”.

I have been able to verify that it does not exist, because I have looked for this profile, but the parents have replaced it with a group, in which there seems to be more wide sleeve and more people can enter because today, Marriah Greene's group has 1,194 members and there are people from all over the world.

Video: No Boys Are Born In a Mystery Village for 10 Years (July 2024).