How did you announce to the family the news of the pregnancy ?: the question of the week

Communicating pregnancy is a very special moment. for the couple Some prefer to be cautious and wait a few weeks to make it official, while others prefer to share the emotion with loved ones as soon as they find out they are waiting for a baby.

There are no exact formulas about the moment and the way to communicate it. "We are going to be parents" Y “The family is enlarged” They are a classic. And another, the one that makes the parents of future parents more excited, is “You are going to be grandparents”.

But there are also less traditional ways of communicating it. I remember the story of a friend who invited her parents to dinner and placed the baby's first ultrasound under the plate. “You have a surprise under the plate”, he said, and future grandparents melted. I found it very beautiful and original.

How did you announce the news of the pregnancy to the family?

We would like you to share with us how you told your family and friends that you were going to be parents. Was it something thoughtful or spontaneous? Have you got the idea of ​​a movie, has it occurred to you, or have you preferred to announce it without great fuss?

Last week's question

Completely in another tone, last week we asked you: Should whipping children be considered mistreatment?. It is a topic that generates a lot of debate and we have received very interesting answers. We were not referring to beatings, but to hit a child without leaving marks or causing obvious damage. We wanted to know your opinion about whether to beat children with a whip or a cake is to mistreat them.

The response most valued by the readers of Babies and more was that of Catherine Calero Jacobsen, who said the following:

Yes, I consider it a physical as well as a psychological abuse. They hit me. My father felt that he would respect that. Quite the opposite. Respect is earned is not required. My father was also hit; He could have changed, but he didn't want to, and today he's alone. I neither call him nor go to visit him, and throughout my childhood I wish he would die. I have been with depression and many personal problems until the late twenties. Today I am 34. So yes, it is abuse. It is humiliating, denigrating and stepping on. It is not wanting to evolve. It is to punish another for your limitations. It is to destroy. The children will always remember, and not even if it was done for good.

The rest of the answers are also very interesting. In general, all agree that giving a scourge is a lack of self-control on the part of the parents and that of course is not the way to educate the children.

We invite you then to answer this week's question in our Answers section but we ask that during this week you have to answer it answer in our section and not in the comments of this post, so that we can take it into account for next week.

Video: When is it Safe to Announce Your Pregnancy? (June 2024).