Highlights in Babies and more: June 6-12

Today as every Monday, we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, those topics that have interested you most.

We have started a Vaccination Special, commenting on such interesting and controversial issues as what the league for freedom of vaccination says about (and does not say) about measles epidemics, why not vaccinating children endangers everyone's health and why being in favor of vaccines.

Also on child health we have known that plagiocephaly cases increase in babies, which happens if a brother has a disability and that babies should wear sunglasses.

Special attention has been given to the controversial case of Habiba and we have wondered if the Madrid Institute for children and the family prohibit breastfeeding children. We will remain attentive to the case that will undoubtedly leave more headlines. As a counterpoint, we have daycare centers that support breastfeeding.

The new deliveries of the five steps to get children to lose interest in drawing have also aroused the interest of our readers, as well as the good news of the five basic steps to breed positively and without punishment, a UNICEF campaign in Costa Delicious.

A very intimate post shows us how you can be friends with your son's father even if he is not your partner, which along with the development of the sounds in the child or the dietary intakes recommended during pregnancy and lactation have been other highlights of the week. Also referred to nutrition during pregnancy and childhood we have brought the new recommendations for fish consumption.

Finally, we remind you that you can participate in the question of the week in our answers section: How did you announce the news of the pregnancy to the family? Soon we will give you the results.

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last days has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More So you don't miss anything.

Video: Why This Fox & Friends Host's Husband Filed For Divorce (June 2024).