Dads and moms blogs (LXXXI)

Tuesday. I walk the moms and dads blogs of the network to offer you a review of the most interesting content I have found. This is my selection for this week by the hand of its authors, fathers and mothers who open their hearts and thoughts so we can share them.

I start with a beautiful post that Janeth writes from her wonderful Mom give me tit. Janeth always conveys to me the enormous tenderness and delicacy of feelings on which she builds the strength of her convictions. I love his blog and today I invite you to read a beautiful entry in which he explains that we should not tell a child to endure crying, because the ability to feel safe in his childhood will depend on his ability to feel secure in the future and your happiness today.

Ileana, from We got boobs, he throws the basic question, the one that will define our upbringing, but that also remains the great question for psychologists, anthropologists, philosophers, sociologists and historians: is the man intrinsically bad, violent and aggressive and needs the hard hand?

In this line of reflection is Elvis with his Don't mistreat me, I'm a child, which this time surprises us with a very interesting entry that invites us to reflect on what it means to Raise with Respect in the world of Ego. This blog always makes me feel that I am not alone in the world of the "crazy".

I have also looked at some inspiring blogs that always help me face my son's learning with renewed energy and offer me many wonderful ideas to inspire me. I highlight Meni's blog, Give it a coliño, which shows us beautiful crafts made during your camping holidays, showing us that more than materials, what it takes to create beautiful things is imagination.

María, the author of Re-educating mom, collects two very recent articles published in the press, an interview with the psychotherapist Evânia Reichert that appears in La Vanguardia and that is summed up in one sentence: peace on Earth begins in the mother's womb, and another, a signed article by Julia Navarro in Woman today, which serves to indicate how we are a reflection of our childhood and consider ourselves with rights that we deny to children.

In Cavilations, the blog of Liliana Castro, I have found several very interesting topics for parents concerned about the education of their children and the operation of schools, of which I highlight one entitled Clinical psychology or organizational psychology? which ends with a call for us to take into account human excellence over academic excellence. I like the idea, Liliana, I really like the idea.

Since Raising LovingCovadonga reminds us that our children learn from what we do more than we say and we are necessarily examples of life for them.

Jesusa, the doula that inspires so many women, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing for Babies and more on the occasion of the creation of A.L.M.A. She has been a mother for the third time recently and tells us her feelings on her blog, Writing about maternity.

A blog that I recently discovered is that of Raquel, one of our readers, who invited us to meet Teting. I really liked your entry about home birth, where you share with us, in addition to a lot of accurate information, the stories of the births of women in your family. I also highlight an entry in which, inspired by the book A new motherhood, of which I am co-author, reflects on what it means to not work outside the home for a mother. My congratulations for the blog, which I will continue reading regularly.

I finish with Nely who recently also invited us to know his blog, Imagine smiles. Bella the last of her entries, Now it makes sense, which illustrates with the prehistoric Venus with which I have illustrated this selection. Read it yourself because I think that commenting on my part would deprive you of such a pleasant discovery. I loved reading Nely and knowing her a little more.

And with this I finish my review of the moms and dads blogs, inviting our readers to leave us clues about their own blogs, so that we can include them in these weekly selections. Thank you for everything you share.

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