Dr. Estivill publishes a new book entitled "Pediatrics with common sense"

The readers are going to think that I have some kind of fixation with Doctor Eduard Estivill and well, the truth is that I think it's true. The reason is quite obvious, I guess: it's about a man who is dedicated to giving advice to fathers and mothers that make many of the babies and children suffer without need.

If the advice were intended for fathers or mothers, without children involved, the same thing would happen more, but having thousands of babies involved who cannot defend themselves, I feel better giving my opinion when the Lord Estivill and other professional theorists advocate using strict methods and standards with little meaning, too rigid, disrespectful and also have little or no scientific evidence.

Getting to the point, the intention of this post is to announce that Eduard Estivill has published a new book, along with Dr. Gonzalo Pin, that I do not have the pleasure of knowing, but that if you have decided to put your name in this book you must have the same (few) scruples as your partner, entitled “Pediatrics with common sense for fathers and mothers with common sense”.

Of course, one knows the adventures of Dr. Estivill, has read his best-known books "Go to sleep" and "Eat", has heard him in dozens of interviews and has read several articles of his and the last thing he thinks is that he is able to write a book putting in the title the words "sense" and "common" and then put them together, like this: "common sense".

I don't know if he did it as a scramble (excuse the expression, but I can't find a better word to define it) or because he really believes that Advise to let a child cry alone, pass him if he vomits or try not to sleep on his chest (with the dream that gives that) they are common sense based advice.

I have not read the book and I doubt that I do it because I do not want to take a bad time, so if someone reads it and thinks it is appropriate, you can leave a comment explaining what your impressions are. Even if there is someone who thinks that I am wrong and that certainly Mr. Estivill's words are full of common sense, let him say so too.

For my part, just recommend a change of title for the next edition: "Pediatrics with common sense for fathers and mothers who want to turn their backs on their common sense."

Video: Dr. Drew (July 2024).