Pregnant or fat?

One of the moments that makes me more graceful of pregnant women is when they are a little over 3 months and the belly begins to become evident. I'm funny because it's a belly and nothing else, big enough to look like you're a little overweight and small enough that people don't think you're pregnant.
It is the precise moment in which people observe the belly and do not know whether to speak or not to speak because they are afraid to screw up. It is what I call the pregnant or fat phenomenon.
I have been observing this phenomenon for months with my wife, because she is the least pregnant woman in the world. Well, I don't know if it's the least, but I'm the one with the least belly makes me know.

With our first child, he gained 5.5 kg and the midwives threw him into a rage the day he went to give birth, as if he had done a super-strict diet, when he put whole packets of cookies in one sitting (I attest, I saw her) . With the second he gained even less weight, because he did not reach 5 kg, however Aran was born 34 weeks, so it is not a definitive fact.
Now, being 25 weeks pregnant, she has been complaining for months. At first he complained because I had a big belly and people were going to think I was fat. Now he complains because she has a little belly and people think she is fat.
The funniest thing is what I say, the looks that go to his belly and the intention that they are seen wanting to ask: "Are you pregnant?", Without daring to do so in case she answers: "No".
And there are people who in the end ask, because there are people who don't seem to mind too much (I have seen women asking women if they are pregnant and receiving a no), but there are many people who do not do it and are left in doubt when I could be a little more subtle and say something like “hey, I see you more beautiful ... you are as shining ... I do not know, as the most round face.
If the girl is pregnant, she will surely confess, and if she is not, then she will respond with an “oh, well, I don't know”, and she will have taken a compliment that, you know, is the same until she is happy for the day.
I don't know if you remember your “pregnant or fat” stage, or if you remember it with special sympathy or with the same anger that it gives my wife, but if you want to talk about it, this is your moment.

Video: DUTCH TV SHOW, FAT OR PREGNANT?! (July 2024).