How long do Spanish children play?

The playing moments of our children are very important, since they are babies. But, Do children spend enough time playing? Spanish parents with children between one and nine years have contributed to the study on "Adult perception of toys in Spain", from which interesting conclusions are drawn.

Parents generally value toys very positively, although the analysis shows the lack of time to play with them. The toy is valued as a learning tool that arouses curiosity, promotes independence, stimulates creativity and imagination and improves the concentration of children, among other benefits for development.

The study, prepared by the AIJU Toy Market Observatory for the Spanish Association of Toy Manufacturers (AEFJ) shows that the purchase of toys is carried out throughout the year, although there are certain key dates, such as Christmas.

But, on the other hand, Spanish families recognize their concern because children have little time to play. The average game time during the week usually ranges between one and two hours a day, although it depends on the age. We need to know some stripes (three to seven years), but these would be the game times specified in the study:

  • One and two year old children play more than three hours a day
  • Those of seven and eight years, play between one and two hours.
  • From the age of nine, there is a tendency to reduce the playing time to even less than one hour during the week.

Of course, the weekend increases the game time to more than three hours a day at all ages. This circumstance decreases with age according to the study since 70% of children between three and four years confirm that they play more than three hours a day for only 50% of nine or more years.

Who do children play with?

Regarding playmates, most Spanish families point out in the study that the brothers and cousins They are usually their playmates, followed by parents and by children who play alone. Although it is the youngest children who share more time with their parents (83% in children aged one and two), a factor that is being abandoned with age.

As they grow up, children prefer to play with their siblings and cousins ​​(I imagine that parents also leave them more "in their own way") to reach 70% of cases among children from nine years old.

The study, which covers the whole of the Spanish territory, has been carried out through a total sample of 300 families with children aged between one and nine years.

He emphasizes that 90% of the people interviewed were women and 10% men. Are they the ones who know most about children's games? Considering that the majority of members of the couple who set aside work to look after children are mothers, it makes sense.

In any case, this study has made me set a purpose: try to keep my daughters enjoying a lot of games and toys when they grow up. And by the way I play a little more ...

Video: Learn Spanish for Kids - Numbers, Colors & More (July 2024).