Dads and moms (CI) blogs

Like every Tuesday, we do one of the things we like most: a review of the moms and dads blogs to discover experiences, tips and reflections that parents share in the blogosphere.

We start with a known blog, which we have already commented on some entries Of my motherhood and other demons, where we find positive affirmations for children, a great tool for self-esteem. Nothing less than 101 positive affirmations that help kids strengthen their personality and really believe how wonderful they are.

A pleasant discovery this week has been the blog Going for the second. I came with company!, written by Eva María, a single mother by choice who, as the name of her blog says, went for the second and two came, Aitana and Martín. Share a wonderful story of breastfeeding twins, an achievement that has not been easy, but at the cost of perseverance, patience and love, he has achieved it. !! Congratulations!!

Another multiple parent by surprise (of two plus three) is the author of Diary of a stressed father. You will think How not to be with five children?, but despite this he has time to write in a blog such entertaining things as weird dreams, where he puts into words the quirky dreams of one of his children. Like all children, I fantasize about being part of the parents' lives when they weren't even a project yet.

In Daddy Rabbit - Mom Louse I found an entry that moved me: Goodbye baby ..., in which he tells us a great step that has taken his Piojilla when making the decision to fly from his parents' nest to his own room. This, along with the fall of his first tooth. Small great milestones in the lives of our children that are marked with fire.

Eloísa, author of A different motherhood he makes a reply to an article published last Sunday in the El Mundo Magazine about the Ecomadres. He believes that it is a way to confuse respect with environmentalism, to place labels where they have no place and to put ecology in the same bag with the claim of the role of women during childbirth. A very interesting post, which deserves a few minutes.

Finally, I leave an entry of Me and my miniyos, the blog of a mother of two offspring based in Belgium who says But, how good it is to run !. He has sneaked his shoes, put the music to the fullest and has gone for a run. Special moments for us that do us good and that all mothers need. In case you are encouraged to imitate it or finally do what you always leave behind.

One more week, the moms and dads blogs They have been loaded with interesting things. Next week we will share many more.

Video: Introduction my mom and dad (July 2024).