A YouTube channel with advice from midwives and pediatricians on breastfeeding

Today we have been pleasantly surprised to discover a new YouTube channel for midwives and pediatricians dedicated to giving advice on breastfeeding to pregnant women and recent moms, becoming one more way of information for mothers.

These are professionals from the Maternal and Child Hospital of Jaén who exhibit, in a few minutes, various contents in a simple and didactic way. The objective of this initiative is to disseminate this information among mothers during the pregnancy process and after childbirth, so that, in a quick and accessible way, they can resolve their main doubts about breastfeeding.

The Matronaschj channel currently has 10 videos that deal with topics such as breast igurgitation, breast pump management, breast milk preservation ... There are also baby-centered topics, such as weight loss of the newborn or baby's sleep .

This material, as reported by the Jiennense Hospital Complex, is part of the intervention protocol in the emergency department before breastfeeding problems.

This is one more channel that adds to other possible means of communication: women also have the possibility of consulting their doubts by personally attending the consultation, through the telephone number provided by health professionals and, an interesting resource, by email, the 365 days of the year.

Along with the preparation of these videos, a new information leaflet has been designed, which is provided to the woman when she leaves the unit after delivery. In this way the public to whom the information arrives is expanded, establishing different communication channels.

The Maternal and Child Hospital also has a Nursing and education classroom for the puerperium, whose main objective is to promote breastfeeding among new mothers. Mothers are encouraged to share this experience with their partners and family members, who can also attend classes.

In short, a whole mechanism of support to the mother is put in place for something that is natural but not so easy on many occasions but requires this environment to inform us and support us in breastfeeding.

Of course, in the videos we can also see information on the benefits of breastfeeding from the first moment after delivery, such as the best feeding during the first months of the baby's life.

The YouTube channel with advice on breastfeeding of midwives and pediatricians de Jaén has all those interesting contents elaborated in videos between three and six minutes long that we hope will be the beginning of other themes that help many mothers and their babies.

Video: Coffee & Questions: JUST Breastfeeding! May 2019 (July 2024).