The walkers: useless and dangerous

Among the items that are usually purchased from babies that begin to stand upright are the walker or tacatá. It is an object that is still common in many homes but its use is clearly discouraged for many reasons, as it is useless and dangerous, not really offering any advantage to achieve standing.

In Canada they have been banned and other countries also advise against their use. In Spain, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has also been very strong: the best walker is the one that is not bought. That's how clear they say it.

The reasons are quite understandable. The walker does not favor development The child's muscle does not help him want to walk or walk before or with more security, places him in a position where he can access dangerous objects and deter crawling.

The child learns to walk by getting up alone, holding on and taking steps. It deprives you of many natural sensory experiences in your development and hinders the normal strengthening of your muscles and balance.

Further, using the walker is a source of danger It would be, because the possibility of accidents increases, whether the child finds a step as if he reaches a lot of speed and is hit. If there are stairs in the house, the risk increases.

Therefore, it seems that the walker It is one of the objects that families should do without, as it is considered useless and dangerous.

Video: This Is For All Of You Fighting Battles Alone Walk Alone Speech (May 2024).