Distractions such as reading text messages while driving decrease our ability. On the road we will be cautious

Today precisely begins the second phase of the “exit operation” Easter, it is Holy Wednesday and although many are already on vacation, many others may be in your workplace with your head on the rest days that you will dedicate to the family.

If you are lucky enough to travel to your favorite destinations, I congratulate you because for the kids, knowing other places and ways of living is a fascinating experience. And if you are going to limit yourself to making a short one or two day getaway, too, because any excuse is good to escape the routine and you will surely enjoy every moment intensely.

Many of us will return to our places of origin so that grandparents can see how children have grown, uncles spend their money buying their favorite magazines, and families have a small but intense opportunity to meet again.

Hundreds of kilometers to go and roads full of cars running. You know that the distractions behind the wheel are plenty, that the only rate of alcohol compatible with driving is 0 degrees and that you must use safety systems, but we like to remind you. Last year a third of the accidents were caused by simple distractions: program the browser, change a CD, read text messages ... Precisely the car manufacturer Ford has just published a survey (as a preview of the presentation of its application Text - to - Voice) telling us that an average of 48 percent of drivers Respondents in six European countries read text messages while driving.

At the same time 95% of respondents were aware that This action decreases the ability to drive and affects the safety of the occupants of the vehicle. Many of the people who have answered this survey think that the response capacity of the driver can be reduced by half.

And technology is part of our lives, relationships, houses and cars, but we must know how to use it, and we must differentiate when it is time to send / read messages, and when we have to be aware of what matters at that time (here I have to thank Marcos for the note): which is the road and the ones on it. Because a second is enough to flip and have a serious accident, and this is less time than we would use to read a message from our Smartphone

In short trips we will also take into account security measures, because on conventional roads it is where the greatest number of fatal accidents usually occur: on these roads we will reduce the speed to better manage the curves, crossings, overtaking and changes of slopes.

And to move on any type of road, remember all:

  • We can continue if we wish, the alternative itineraries designed by Traffic with the aim of avoiding circulating through the sections of works or not passing through the center of the Peninsula (on certain routes of origin and specific destination) which is the area with the highest circulatory traffic .

  • On roads with more than one lane per direction, you must drive along the right lane, the left lane should only be used to drive forward.

  • It is advisable to maintain the safety distance and adapt the speed to the circumstances and the route through which it is circulated.

  • Attention to other road users: motorcycles, cyclists and pedestrians are more vulnerable.

  • Follow the instructions of the traffic agents who will be regulating the traffic on the roads.

  • And of course: belt, helmet and child restraint systems.

Have a good trip, enjoy the holidays and yours, and when you return do it very carefully.

Video: Effects of texting while walking how to prevent dangers hazards injuries and distracted to death (July 2024).