The initiative to cultivate the future so that families are encouraged to eat fruit for 28 days

Bouquet is a Spanish fruit and vegetable company based in the Mediterranean and leader in the commercialization of fruits and vegetables. He is promoting, with great success, the bouquet method It is an online game for families who want to acquire healthy eating habits by eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables.

We cultivate future It is the Bouquet campaign and he launched it because they believe that their work does not end at the time they harvest the crop but that there is much more work to do with families, schools and homes. So he has launched the website in which families are overcoming challenges with the aim of learning to feed us in a healthier way by incorporating fruits and vegetables as a routine in our diet.

The Cultivamos Futuro campaign has received the Silver Medal for the best website for being an interactive platform aimed at promoting healthy eating with adequate consumption of fruits and vegetables. It is also recognized that the focus is placed on the child population, using the Internet and applying healthy play techniques.

The game, in which I have not registered yet, proposes follow for 28 days a series of challenges and tasks based on the successful experience of thousands of families. Progress can be shared and compared with family members or with other families that are participating. The goal is to achieve, in less than a month, how to eat healthier in a fun way.

At home you have to choose one of the two adults (father or mother) who will be responsible for registering the entire family. You also have to choose a family name and a group photo. All family members must be included, choose the start date and hala! start to play.

Daily tasks are received daily to carry them out for all family members, recipes, games, shopping, routine tasks, etc. are included. And the goal is to progressively introduce healthy eating habits.

It is an initiative that deserves greater dissemination and that from Peques and Más we also try to promote to improve nutrition and family habits. Let's see what you can get. We congratulate Bouquet for the success of his initiative.

Video: VEGAN 2017 - The Film (May 2024).