Weekend activities: the baby goes to the pool

The weekend is coming and the entrance of autumn we have limited outdoor activities, but there are still countless alternative plans to the beach or the terraces.

A fun option for kids and parents is the indoor or heated pool. Well through municipal sports centers or in private centers, it is very likely that you have one near your home.

Most children are passionate about water since they were very young. They could go soaking hours and hours because for them it is a means in which his body becomes lighter and allows them to move more gracefully.

To play instead of swimming

It is also an excuse for mom or dad to play with them in a different place while have fun together and teach them to move more effectively in this liquid medium.

Either on your own or through a course aimed at young babies It is advised that the first contact with the pool be made before the baby's first year of life, because thus the appearance of fears or phobias to this activity is less likely. Of course, it is not recommended before 4 months.

Swimming initiation courses for children under 4 years of age usually require the presence of an adult, preferably one of their parents, to develop the activities together. The monitor is limited to orienting or suggesting the practice of some games, but it is the father or mother who has the responsibility of the safety and well-being of the child.

The objectives of these courses are not usually oriented so much that the child learns to swim or float, but rather to acquire some security and develop skills that make this activity pleasant. Until 4 or 5 years old, the child is not ready to swim as an adult, so before that age you should not be pressured to achieve goals in that regard.

Common sense and desire to have fun

Whether you decide to do the activity in the presence of a monitor, or for free, there are several aspects that you should consider:

• Choose a schedule that does not alter your routines (never during meal times or that upsets your sleep) • The first sessions should not exceed 20 minutes in the water • Do not separate a second from the child and use your body to provide safety • The water temperature should not be less than 32º • The depth and size of the pool should be appropriate for the child's age (the depth is usually between 0.5 and 1 meter). • The changing room or the changing and showering area should be close to the water, to prevent the child from catching cold on the way.

Today there are many centers that have adapted changing rooms and bathrooms for the little ones, with changing tables and seats as a high chair, where you can sit while you finish dressing next to them. Thus, you will avoid the risk of chasing him on a wet floor or getting into showers, as usual ... we know that curiosity can.

In Happy Learning | Weekend at home: low cost ideas that will amaze the kids

Video: Water Park Family Fun at Skara Sommarland (July 2024).