Baby sport in your gym blanket: champion in sight!

The little one is born and from experiences they tell us, or because you are not first-time and you know what happens next, you do not want junk to accumulate dust and room in the attic. You need a toy that stimulates, learns, plays and becomes familiar with its new world, does it exist? Yes and in addition he will make his first steps as an athlete! If I had to choose a toy for its first months, especially when you can turn around but still can't sit, that would be the gym-blanket stimuli and game. With him the little one begins to live in an environment other than the cradle, knows the wildlife, with his friends the musical penguin, the elephant with a mirror and the lion with colored rings and will be attracted by the colors, the sounds and the Different textures of objects. All this is cause for entertainment for hours but if we add mirror that contains, will be more typical of a attraction parks: the little one looks at himself, investigates himself, wonders, who is that in front of me? And for that he will touch himself checking his own reflex

Up or down

Sesame Street taught us many the concept of what was above and below. To our little one, the activity blanket gym will allow you to play in both postures and that will make the toy can be used as the baby grows and her postural possibilities. It is soft, full of attractive colors, at this time red and green are the ones that attract you most, and with different textures to touch and bite without any danger. Face up, when it is smaller, and upside down, when you can turn around. Face down, the baby has fun watching his face reflected in the mirror, face up, stimulates his visual and auditory capabilities, with the toys hanging from the arch. It also plays melodies and fun sounds that entertain the baby.

The little one will enjoy the funniest attraction and we will be calm for his safety and practicality. It is transportable, folds and occupies little, and is machine washable. Could I ask for more? Yes, our baby's smile.

In Happy Space | How children of different ages react to the interactive learning book

Video: Dr. Andy Galpin: "Unplugged: Evolve from Technology to Upgrade Your Fitness . .". Talks at Google (July 2024).