How to have a great time in the crib. Penguin, music and action!

What a little missing for Christmas! A time to be with family, celebrations and gifts! We have a new child in the family and we need a gift that will stimulate, entertain, relax and not forget your corner of the defenestrated toys. Few toys have not finished in said corner of my little ... Balls, strollers, stuffed animals... all have ended up in the trunk of lost toys, those that were used five minutes, one day and were replaced by the pans, the television remote or a simple clothespin. That is the way things are, we buying huge amounts of clothes, household goods, cribs, mini-cribs and super-cribs and the little one manages with much less than we thought as first timers. We fell like pardillos, we and I think everyone, and We bought everything for having to sleep, change, bathe, sterilize, play ... we just lacked a new house to put everything purchased.

Over time you realize that your tastes and needs are simpler but it's too late ... With the passing of the months you realize that what is essential for others for you has been rendered useless and vice versa. A baby carrier? I never used it but it has been very useful to other couples. A changing cabinet? Another thing ... and so on.

Lights, music and action!

There is something for me that has been essential since the little one began to improve your vision, so deficient at birth and that has been a light and music projector. I would say the months before he crawled and turned around, what better way can we think of entertaining him when his head can only be looking up?

He musical projector penguin It is simply perfect. It stimulates you visually and audibly, relaxes with its soft melodies and your drawings will gradually show you the world that lies ahead. It allows the option to change the drawings through sheets, the simplest for the first months, the most detailed for when your vision has improved. Music classical, nanas or nature sound they will sound for about 15 minutes, offering you the possibility of different combinations of lights and sounds. Music, light and small action! The world has just begun for you and this is a wonderful prologue.

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