The complicated relationship between the economic crisis and family ties

We are facing a global situation that is affecting many of the industrialized countries, the situation is such that many experts do not trust too much in the future of Europe. But for most of us the most important thing is that the stability of small economies can be greatly affected.

A priori, one might think that in extreme situations, family and community ties are strengthened, as a way of trying to find the best possible solution. But when the family is in debt and the parents have multiple worries in their heads, the current crisis 'supposes a price for the links between parents and children'. A group of researchers from the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, and Brigham Young University, have analyzed data from surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010 among 500 families in the Seattle area. Participants were asked about their feelings of depression, economic stress and family relationships..

Parents who are under financial stress admit that they feel less connected to their children, and children say they are less likely to act generously.

The families surveyed were mostly white, from middle to upper middle class and with a college education. The children were between 10 and 14 years old.

In just one year, parents under financial pressure they were more likely to manifest symptoms of depression, and as a consequence they felt less close to the children. Children are also affected by developing less social behaviors (such as volunteering, helping friends / family, personal favors, etc.)

The first author of the study (Gustavo Carlo) states that 'The effects of economic stress are present and have an impact on the families we consider middle class and upper middle class'. Given that the area from which the respondents came from had not been as affected as other regions, it is not difficult to imagine how the consequences of the crisis can be felt in more disadvantaged communities.

With a very partial vision, I believe that how a family is affected can depend on their ability to manage and manage resources (not only economic), and here enter skills that do not have much to do with being better or worse situated economically. Although in practice, families with children need a minimum of security to get ahead.

Video: Tony Robbins: How to Survive an Emotional Crisis Tony Robbins Response (July 2024).