The 200 most frequent names in Spain, and by provinces

When parents look for a name for the baby that is coming, there are several factors that influence their decision in some way, and one of them is the popularity of the name. To give you an idea of ​​what are the 100 names of men and the 100 most frequent women in Spain, we bring you a summary of the latest data released yesterday by the National Statistics Institute (INE), updated as of January 1, 2018.

In our country, Antonio and María Carmen They are still the most common names. It is no surprise, since they are the same names given in the statistics of recent years.

Antonios, Marías y Cármenes

Antonio leads the male ranking. In total, in Spain there are 678,425 men with that name, a frequency of 29.6 per thousand men. In the first ten positions we also find José, Manuel, Francisco, David, Juan, Jose Antonio, Javier, Daniel and Jose Luis.

As for the female ranking, it is led by María Carmen. They are called 656,276 women, with a frequency of 27.5 per thousand. In second and third place, María and Carmen (separately), respectively, and are followed by Josefa, Ana María, Isabel, María Pilar, María Dolores, Laura and María Teresa.

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The 200 most frequent names in Spain

In the list below you can see the 200 most frequent names of men and women in Spain. To the right of each name, you can see how many men are in the country with that name, as well as the frequency per thousand people.

If you look at the middle ages, we see that everyone is over thirty and the vast majority is fifty, so they are clearly not the most popular names in young children.

The names most chosen by parents today do not match with these, as trends change over the years. For example, María del Carmen, thus composed, has not appeared in the statistics of the INE among the 100 most-named names in Spain for newborns.

In MagnetThe ten most popular names in Spain in each decade, explained in two interactive graphics

Maria and Carmen, separately, they are among the names most chosen by parents. María ranks third nationally and Carmen is one of the 10 names that sound the most among babies in Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha, Extremadura and Murcia.

For its part, Manuel It is still in the top 10 of the most popular names for babies today, but Antonio and Jose occupy positions 24 and 38 respectively, although Antonio's name continues to be one of the favorites in Andalusia and Extremadura.

The most popular names today, according to the latest data (from 2017), are Lucia and Lucas.

The most frequent names by provinces


  • Most frequent man name: Javier
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María
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  • Most frequent man name: José Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio

  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: José Luis
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: David

  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: José
  • Most frequent woman's name: María
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Real city

  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen

Basin, watershed, catchment area, socket, bowl, hollow

  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Jordi
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen
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  • Most frequent man name: Mikel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Pilar


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Jordi
  • Most frequent woman's name: María

The Rioja

  • Most frequent man name: Javier
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen

Las Palmas

  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen
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  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Antonio
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Francisco Javier
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen

Santa Cruz of Tenerife

  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: José
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Pilar


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: José
  • Most frequent woman's name: María


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Manuel
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Jesus
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Pilar


  • Most frequent man name: Mohamed
  • Most frequent woman's name: María Carmen


  • Most frequent man name: Mohamed
  • Most frequent woman's name: Fatima
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Video: The Animated History of Spain (July 2024).