The Educational Enrichment Program to stimulate the potential of students with high intellectual capacity

He Educational enrichment program for students with high capacities (PEAC) that develops the Madrid's community It is a voluntary and free measure that takes place outside of school hours. It is an activity that does not replace the official learning program but complements and enriches it, providing students with opportunities for deepening in different areas of knowledge through experimentation, research and creation. The program It started in 1999/2000 and turns 14.

The program is for students who are pursuing primary education, regardless of whether the student is enrolled in a public, private or concerted educational center. The first step to access the Program is for the center attended by the student to request the psychopedagogical evaluation of the Educational and Psychopedagogical Guidance Team (EOEP) ​​of the sector. It also applies to students who are studying Secondary education mandatory and in this case the orientation department of the center will be responsible for conducting the psychopedagogical evaluation, provided that the center is public or arranged.

For all students enrolled in private centersThe diagnosis is made by the Educational and Psycho-Pedagogical Guidance Team and always with the approval of the families.

It seems that you have to be attentive because the period for the admission of new applications The Program is usually produced during March or April months. I remember that it is an initiative in Madrid and I imagine that similar initiatives will exist in other Autonomous Communities.

The Program is developed thanks to a collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid and the CEIM Foundation. It seems that the programs taught include the simulation of the creation of a company.

School activities take place throughout the course on Saturday mornings on a biweekly basis.

Checking the PEAC page you can read that in the course 91 employees participate, distributed among their five locations in Madrid. In addition, the collaborators are teachers or graduates in psychology / pedagogy / psychopedagogy, with teaching experience, to collaborate in the groups of Primary Education students. They are usually teachers or work in guidance departments. There are also graduates and professionals from the different fields that work in the Program (artistic, scientific-technological and humanistic-literary), to collaborate in the groups of students of Secondary Education. Many of them do not belong to the educational field and are professionals who exercise their main occupation in other fields. To select collaborators, skills and competencies are valued, such as the ability to admit mistakes, encourage students to present their own ideas without fear of ridicule or misunderstanding, ability to work in teams and encourage cooperative work with students. creativity and flexibility

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