Lanoa is an Internet platform to exhibit and sell handmade products. And they also do workshops ...

Lanoa It is a platform on the Internet that was born with the purpose of grouping entrepreneurs who do hand-made work, offering them the means to expose and sell their products in a simple way, without worrying about promotion, orders or shipments. Lanoa It started a year ago with 14 artisans and currently already groups more than 50. It is also incorporating creative graphics that are incorporated to offer beautiful gift ideas.

And the goal of Lanoa is to be more than an online store because also offers ideas to order and organizes workshops with artisans to learn how to make crafts and own work We like them a lot. Lanoa is a fantastic site for put the hardworking craftsman and the demanding customer in touch. And it is that the craftsman only has to worry about his work being Lanoa the one that offers the service for promotion and sales. And for customers it is also very practical because Lanoa manages orders, organizes logistics and especially presents constantly updated news.

And besides Lanoa is going to celebrate its first anniversary with a big party in which they will prepare gifts for mother's day and the little ones can also participate. And there will be free workshops throughout the day, and storytelling in the afternoon. He April 27 is the Lanoa Party that will take place in Top Books of Fuecarral Street (Madrid) showing their products in a Pop-up Store and conducting creative workshops for young and old. And all for free.

Lanoa is a project driven by Diana Maján, who is a training architect and specializes in interior design, scenography and ephemeral architecture that has complemented with graphic design, especially focused on event issues. Let's try to talk to Diana to tell us about Lanoa's project in more detail. For now, we are going around their web page watching the work of artisans and we will be very attentive to the workshops and celebrations they perform and especially those in which children have their space.


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