Change your eating habits to improve skin tolerance to the sun

I am thinking of expanding the information that we have given you more recently about sun protection, my idea is to include recommendations so that nobody forgets that the sun gives us vitamin D, and also a comparison on the benefits and disadvantages of creams with chemical filters and minerals

But today, we rescued a recent post by Eva Caballe in No Fun, which will help us understand how Feeding can improve skin sun tolerance, and also helps improve health (something that luckily we are internalizing little by little).

It is not a new issue for us, since two years ago, we included fruits and vegetables in an article on how to protect ourselves from the sun, and months later we had the opportunity to talk about the most recommended skin foods in summer. Eva tells us that each year the index of cases of melanoma increases, and that despite the recommendations of the doctors, and the tiny amount of hours we spend inside (excluding, of course, our holiday periods).

Among the factors that affect, is the diet, because this can help the skin exposed to solar radiation, preventing us from burning. The following changes are proposed:

  • Avoid processed foods, since they do not provide the necessary nutrients for our body and can cause our metabolism to not work properly because they contain a good dose of hydrogenated (trans) fats, chemicals, sugars and refined salt. Avoiding them will make our body work much better.
  • Eat more foods rich in Omega-3 and saturated fatty acids from oils or nuts. The healthy thing is that the intake of Omega-3 and Omega-6 is in balance and one is not much greater than the other

  • Increase foods with natural antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E. Antioxidants, in addition to neutralizing free radicals and protecting against cancer, reduce inflammation, have a protective effect against sunburn and help repair skin damage. It is always better to take foods with vitamins than to take nutritional supplements, since this way we will take the vitamins in harmony with the rest of the food components.

Antioxidant vitamins

Vitamin A It can be presented in the form of retinoids (animal origin): goat milk, cow's milk, prawns, eggs, salmon, cheese, yogurt, clams, sardines, tuna, cod and chicken; or carotenoids (vegetable origin), in carrots, dark green, red or yellow vegetables.

Vitamin C, is found in these foods: papaya, peppers, strawberries, broccoli, pineapple, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, oranges, lemon, cabbage, cauliflower, grapefruit and tomatoes. If we need to supplement vitamin C, a natural option is acerola.

Vitamin E It is in Sunflower seeds, spinach, chard, turnips, almonds, asparagus and peppers.

As I told you, we still have to talk (starting tomorrow) about Vitamin D that is synthesized in our skin when we expose it to UVB (medium wave) radiation.

This occurs in minutes, so overexposure to the sun is not necessary

Vitamin D is essential for the human body and especially supports calcium absorption. Bone or calcium deficit problems often hide a vitamin D deficit.

In any case, we should not forget that the other factor responsible for the increase in cases of melanoma, are the bad habits of sun exposure (in this case due to excess). You already know: putting ourselves in the sun at the central hours of the day, not wearing adequate protection or clothing, etc.

This is an interesting and complex issue in which many factors and variables converge, so we will dedicate the necessary time.

Images | Ralph Daily, Drew Tire Via | No Fun In Peques and More | Children and adolescents are very vulnerable groups to the effects of ultraviolet radiation, Keys to prevent consequences of extreme heat: hydration, fruits, vegetables and common sense, The importance of vitamins in the development of children

Video: What's the DASH Diet and Why Doctors Call It the Best Diet (July 2024).