Foods you should be careful with in summer

With summer and vacations it is common to change habits and modify the foods we choose to incorporate into the daily diet, but it is important to avoid foods that can cause illness or affect the normal course of pregnancy. To do this, here are some Foods you should be careful with in summer.

Meals purchased on the beach and snacks are usually more frequent at this time of year, however, you should have caution with sausages and cold cuts, as these must be very well cooked and hot to avoid risks.

It is also important do not consume fresh vegetables or fruits if we do not know your hygiene, because with the fresh leaves, the skin of fruits or vegetables and others, contaminants can be transferred that could cause gastroenteritis or other more severe problems.

Of course, another aspect to consider is the intake of sauces, which must always be properly refrigerated and also pasteurized. Therefore, better avoid homemade mayonnaise They have raw eggs or non-commercial sauces.

The fish They are also frequent dishes that we can consume in a beach bar, with which we must take care that they are well cooked and in addition, it is fundamental avoid eating swordfish, tuna or emperor They may have too much mercury, a dangerous component in excess.

Finally, it is also necessary to be careful this summer with foods such as pate or smoked They can be made with raw meats. And it is also important do not consume unpasteurized dairy products or cheeses derived from raw milk They may contain a bacterium called Listeria that interferes with the development of the baby.

Thus, in addition to taking care of the refrigeration and proper cooking and hygiene of all the foods you consume, it is essential to know their origin and have special caution this summer with the aforementioned products that can be included in the diet and be disease triggers if we do not take into account the necessary care.

Video: 25 SIMPLE SUMMER HACKS (July 2024).