"The Adventure of PENIA": a story that facilitates the debate on policies that affect children

The Children's Platform has begun to develop materials adapted to children, so that these know the content of the II Strategic Plan for Children and Adolescents (PENIA), of which we had already spoken in Peques y Más.

The first one is 'La PENIA Adventure', which - adopting an adventure story format - is destined to become a tool for young people to know the Plan in depth, and will encourage them to value the policies that affect them. The beginning of this document is most suggestive: Marta, Pablo, Omar, Lara and Toni summer in the same coastal town, but they don't know each other. No one knows what adventure he is about to get entangled in when he receives a note: "We are waiting for you tonight, at 10 pm in the blue building's porch. Don't miss, please. We need you.".

It is also a tool that facilitates debate and discussion among young people so that they know in depth the content of the Plan and also, they think about the policies that affect them. That is why it also supposes a support material for monitors and educators that intervene with childhood, adolescence and youth.

It will be on the other hand the starting point to start a methodology which will be implemented mainly with social organizations that work with children and youth, observatories and councils of childhood, youth, schools, among others, in order to collect the opinions of boys and girls and incorporate them as contributions during the evaluation of the II PENIA.

This adventure book consists of several stories and depending on the chosen one, a different ending will be achieved

Source | Children's Platform More information | The PENIA II Adventure In Peques and More | Children think about the draft Education Law

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