The Professional College of Physiotherapists recommends the baby carrier before the strollers

I was sung, it had to happen. It could not be that most countries in the world, in most cultures, children are always ported, always in contact with parents, and are children who cry very little and that we, in the West, where children spend much of the time in their strollers, horizontally, the children cry much more, suffer the inconsolable crying of the baby (alias colic), have more plagiocephaly and on top of that we believe that it is we who are doing well.

I say it had to happen because more and more professionals, be they pediatricians, nurses, psychologists, etc., who recommend parents to use baby carriers, physiotherapists joining the council, who since The Professional College of Physiotherapists have decided to recommend the baby carrier before the baby strollers of a lifetime, with a very instructive video.

All benefits

As you can see in the video, and how we have been saying for some time since Babies and more, when children are close to dad or mom they cry less and being less stressed during the day, at night they sleep better, since they feel safer in general. It also benefits breastfeeding, because many children who go in baby carriers come to take shots while they go with their mothers (in the stroller, and with a pacifier, make fewer shots), and it helps that mother and son, or father and son, have more relationship and a better link: The rubbing makes the affection and take your baby on, subject to you, with its soft head and its smell of baby, makes the elders feel closer to them.

You can see all this in the video, where they also explain perfectly that the backpacks must be ergonomic, of which they achieve that the baby is in a frog position and not those that cause the baby to hang his legs, since in this way possible hip dysplasia can be treated, in addition to promoting the correct development of that joint, that of the hip. They also explain that it is better to go inside, and not out, since it is the best way for the spine to be in its natural position.

The fact of going more time vertically also makes children strengthen their back muscles and helps, as I have already said, to prevent the appearance of plagiocephaly. Further, favors socialization, because the baby is closer to mom and dad, and at a height closer to the surrounding people.

They also take the opportunity to explain some safety advice when children are transported by car or bus. These are things that we already know, but it is not bad to remember

Video: LaVerne Gallman Distinguished Lectureship in Nursing 12315 (July 2024).