Snacks for school, how should they be?

Classes have begun and it is time to prepare the snack that children will eat at recess, so we tell you what the school snacks should be like to offer our children a healthy diet as possible when they eat out.

Whether for lunch or snack, the first option is snacks, but not the only one, of course. Ideally, alternate some days with other foods and vary the ingredients so that the child gets used to other flavors.

Bread, it is preferable that be bar to bread, because the latter contains more fat. If the bread is also integral, much better.

Sliced ​​bread may be more suitable for children since it is softer and easier to eat than bar bread. But as soon as they accept it, it is best to change.

Inside the sandwich, it is best to place cooked ham, serrano ham, loin, cooked turkey or cheese, but avoiding products such as mortadella, chopped, sausage and black pudding, which usually have too much fat.

Procure buy cut products instead of packaged, since the latter contain more preservatives and higher salt content.

It is convenient to alternate some days with a snack of natural or mackerel tuna, spread the bread with tomato or add vegetables, such as slices of tomato and lettuce to give freshness, even some arugula leaves and cherry tomatoes as we see in this recipe of the sandwich that makes fun of you.

Avoid hazelnut cream sandwiches, as well as cookies, buns or bags of chips.

To accompany the sandwich, the best would be a dairy (actimel type or any liquid yogurt), a fruit (apple, pear, tangerine, banana, etc.) or a cereal bar, provided it does not contain too much caloric intake.

If your child accepts the vegetables, you can put a carrot, a celery or some vegetable that you want cut into strips.

As for packaged juices, you have to pay close attention since they usually have too much sugar and no fruit. Therefore, we must read the labels well and choose the healthiest ones.

Video: BEST Kid Snacks & Lunch system! Ideas, hacks, tips, & how we do it! (July 2024).