Controversy in Mexico over the birth in the street of a woman who was not treated in a health center

It is quite common for some women to give birth on the street or in places where they did not intend to do so because they did not arrive on time to hospitals and are deliveries that generate surprise at how quickly they occur. The birth of which I speak today also happened in the street, but the strangest thing is that it happened in the back garden of a health center which the woman entered and where they did not attend.

He arrived there to give birth, did not receive the care he needed and went outside where, behind the center and aloneAt dawn, she gave birth to her baby. Eloy Pacheco, a citizen who photographed the scene, denounced the facts on social networks and now they talk about it all over the world.

I give birth without help

The woman, named Irma López Aurelio, went to the Jalapa de Díaz Health Center with contractions, with the intention of being treated during childbirth. They made him there wait up to two hours, when the woman asked the nurses and the administrative staff for help, because she felt she was going to give birth. The request was in vain, and seeing that no one did anything for her, she decided to get out of there.

Already outside, in the back garden, after sunrise, he went into labor and Alone, without anyone's help, she gave birth to a baby weighing 2,400 kg. After delivery, then yes, the medical staff took care of the situation, applying the necessary treatment and the relevant vaccines to the baby (I imagine that vitamin K and perhaps hepatitis B, which is administered at birth in some countries) and attending to the mother.

Commotion and explanation of the center

The news has shocked everyone because of controversy and because, although everything went well, because most births do not require any professional for the baby to be born well, the woman's desire was not that, but be attended by experienced and qualified people who also treat it with respect. For this reason an investigation has been opened in order to determine the extent to which there could have been an negligent behavior by the professionals of the center.

From the center, by the way, they say that the staff asked the woman to wait while they prepared the service and that when everything was ready, when they came out for her, they did not find her, adding that there was probably an idiomatic problem.

As you can see, two different versions of the facts in which the research will have to tell what the true story is and what the real reason that caused that baby to be born in a health center, but alone and not precisely inside.

Via and Photo | Peru21 In Babies and more | Give birth in the street, can you pass me ?, Instruction manual to attend an emergency delivery, When to be born you need the police, the ambulance or the one who passed by

Video: I Carried Out My Own Abortion (July 2024).