How to make playgrounds safe

The children's parks and recreation areas have become everyday places of fun where children enjoy each day. And it is that in these spaces the little ones learn to know each other, to play, to practice with their arms and legs, to develop and to know other children.

To ensure that children's play areas are safe, they must comply with the regulations and have proper maintenance. From the company Urbadep, specialists in design and construction of furniture for Spanish parks, are clear that the safety of a playground is supported on several fundamental pillars.

Thus, the materials used for the manufacture of all structures must not be toxic or electrically conductive, nor release chips that may cause damage. They have to be safe and resistant, with firm and stable fasteners, avoiding protrusions and edges in their structure, especially in the points of union and welds.

Also the design It has to adapt to users with mobility difficulties. Steps or pavements that are inappropriate for wheelchairs or structures must be avoided without suitable play proposals for these children with special needs. Also the height of each type of game takes into account the age of the children.

In Urbadep they use pavements that cushion bumps and avoid concrete or hard surfaces. The most frequent floors are those of rubber, tiles or continuous rubber. And thickness varies depending on the height of fall of the installed games.

The conservation and cleaning Parks are essential so you have to take care of it and keep it in the best possible conditions. High quality materials are used that ensure its duration and respond to adverse weather conditions. Especially unfortunate is to see how some do not survive acts of vandalism.

As children go with their parents or grandparents these spaces are also prepared to meet their needs, so many have banks, bins, tables, fountains, etc. And everyone, in general, is away from road traffic, bounded by fences and specially built for children's enjoyment.

In Urbadep take special care in the signaling of the playground and clearly indicate the age of use of the installed games, where to go or what number to call in case of detecting damage or dangerous situations.

Also the playgrounds are full of an innovative design and offer a cheerful color that encourages the activity and promotes the development of children's abilities.

So every time you come back to a playground think about the amount of detail and work that is done so that our children Be safe, entertained, cheerful and share your game with many other children.

Video: Playground Safety Tips (July 2024).