"The art of educating", the Prado Museum for children

Trying to approach with the children to a Museum of the dimensions of which we speak to you is not always simple, but if we "adapt" it to our children everything is possible. The Prado Museum offers special visits for children, "The art of educating".

It is a program whose main objective is to meet the needs of schoolchildren and teachers from Early Childhood Education to Baccalaureate. As a novelty of this year, younger children are included in this approach to art (second cycle of Children).

This is the "Visits-workshop", a journey of one and a half hours led by an educator that includes several of the rooms and a didactic workshop whose objective is to deepen the contents presented in the expository message.

The agglutinating issue is to understand what is a museum in general and the National Prado Museum in particular. Each visit ends with one or two works in front of which the students will sit down to work on a second topic in a more specific way: for Children, the individual portrait.

All school groups may visit the Museum freely, directed by their respective teachers, with the only requirement to formalize their reservation at least 24 hours in advance. The entrance for each school group is 60 euros.

The program includes different modalities of visits to the Prado collections, as well as the offer of a complete support material linked to them.

Of course, we can also make a free visit with our children and, in addition, for those with older children, family walks through the Museum are proposed with free material (plans, stickers ...) that they provide at the information points.

Be that as it may, the idea of "The art of educating" program that shows the Prado Museum for children I think it is excellent for our little ones to approach what a museum is and acquire a taste for art, especially in one of the largest museums in the world, which seems to us to be untouchable.

Official Site | Museo del Prado In the Journal of the Traveler | The courtier portrait of Velázquez in El Prado In Babies and more | Renoir and Rubens in the Prado Museum with children, Children's audio guides in the Prado Museum, Some tips to visit museums with children and not die trying

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