"The imposed learning generates demotivation". Interview with Liliana Castro Morato, psychologist

Yesterday we started Babies' interview and more to the psychologist Liliana Castro Morato, director of the Camino Claro Foundation and specialized in childcare.

Do you think that much of the medicalization and the possible overdiagnosis of ADHD is due to the education system?

The educational system is accompanied to cement its standard of excellence in the pharmaceutical industry.

Evaluations of the educational quality system should include the least number of medicalized and psychiatrized children in the institutions. This being the case, there are few who would score on a higher level.

Everyone immersed in the paradigm of productivity and competition, it is difficult for us to consider that it is not the boy or the girl who is sick but the society that surrounds him. This phrase by Alice Miller that has identified my actions as a psychologist and educator in recent years.

Learning tax or freedom?

The tax generates demotivation and demotivation generates neglect, wasted potentialities, wasted school time and dropout.

Therefore, the freedom to choose to learn must be a respected right and a fundamental value of educational processes.

However, who is interested?

If in thinking that it is adults who must choose, direct and impose the contents and directions of learning make us human beings useful and for that we were programmed.

In addition, it generates economic income for those who are experts in child psychopathology who adapt to maladaptive patients, who are probably far from presenting a neurological disorder that cannot be seen in any medical examination are simply unmotivated, bored and overwhelmed with alienation.

What things are left in school classrooms?

The school "j-classroom" is part of the system that is why it is the system that must be rethought in order to eradicate competition, boredom, discrimination and submission generating care, collaboration, motivation, respect for dysfunctional diversity and argumentative disobedience .

What would that classroom be like?

Physically open classrooms, green spaces and interaction with the natural, exposure with realities and real life experiences, less master classes and instruction follow-up (this competence should not be an education priority) for this the number of students must be minimal according to number of guides or educational companions.

Groups by rhythms and learning interests, the ages established by group does not favor citizenship and if it favors competition. That the big one helps the little one and the little one does not fear the big one would be an achievement of human excellence to reach in the educational context.

That would mean dismantling the entire education system and radically changing it.

The Educational Project must start from a consensus of expectations and interests of children, and not from the cognitive design of the expectations that adults want for their development.

Thus, students will find the sense of using their time in educational moments and not the boredom and boredom that arises from having to do what someone else has said they should achieve.

What changes would have to be made to achieve this?

School classrooms should allow meaningful experiences and contextualized to the reality that the protagonists of the process live, their locality, their country, seeking to foster critical sense and the proposal of solutions according to the maturity of the person and the group.

It is enjoyment and meaning that should guide the choice of learning experiences and their contents.

The tools of incorporation, analysis and recreation of knowledge should also allow amazement and motivation. Therefore, it is incongruous to try to promote creativity by sitting children for hours at desks. The creativity of the guide educator must stand out among his students causing interest and amazement in them.

We will finish tomorrow this interview with psychologist Liliana Castro Morato and we hope you find it as revealing and courageous in your proposals as it is working for us.

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