What week was your baby born? the question of the week

As every week we want to know our readers a little more. We have finished our Pregnancy Special week by week upon reaching week 40, although there are many deliveries that are delayed until week 42. Others arrive before term. Today in the question of the week We want to know what has been your case:

What week was your baby born?

We know that it is not the same to be born in week 37 than in week 42, the baby experiences many changes in these last stages of pregnancy. Did it weigh a lot or a little? Was the delivery advanced for any reason? Should we put it in an incubator? Did they induce labor because the baby was "late" too much?

Last week's question

Last week Lola asked us when you started to feel your baby's kicks, and several readers have told us about this special moment. Calistaalvir not only tells us about the moment, but also about the place:

Going down the National VI port. With so much curve, a front bus, pacá and pallá... I spent so much stress in a while that I noticed how my child tickled my belly. About week 18

For his part, Zaharyg tells us that at approximately four months, but with a few weeks he felt "like a little soap opera". He also tells us that it is said in Venezuela that if he is a boy the baby's kicks are noticed before.

Nalia83 remembers the moment exactly:

It was the same day I did the 20 weeks. I was lying in bed quietly and suddenly I was kicked so hard that it even scared me ...

We appreciate all the answers and now, the new question of the week Now available in our Answers section. You have seven days to answer it, as well as to vote the responses of others.

Video: Is it safe to have a baby at 35 weeks pregnant? (July 2024).