Pilar Rubio and how a pregnancy destroys the body

Less than two weeks ago we talked about Sara Carbonero and the pregnant women who have not just accepted her "new" body, largely because of a society that seems not to accept everything that comes out of its canons of beauty, pregnancy included, And what makes it important to be someone is how beautiful or thin you can be.

Now the news appears that Pilar Rubio is pregnant and through social networks I have seen an article run that tells us that her body is going to take a leave of absence to leave the throne of the sexiest woman in Spain to others who are not. Come on pregnancy will destroy your body in such a way that she will not be as beautiful as she is now.

Smash the body?

Yes, it seems that I exaggerate, but if you read the article that I comment you will see that not only does it drop that now it will not be able to remain the same, but also lists point by point how will your body change, for worse.

That if you are going to lose your measurements, that if you are going to increase I do not know how many kilos of weight, that "goodbye to the abs" because there will be installed an increasingly prominent belly, which "Ciao, Ciao, Waist" because women who are mothers have a greater waist than those who are not, that if stretch marks, sagging and cellulite, that if the breast is going to fall after pregnancy and if they are going to leave spots on the skin.


Come on, that in a few weeks Pilar Rubio is going to become, it seems, a kind of ephemeral that nobody will want to look and that he will have to work hard to be the same again, although, he also comments, "Fortunately, much of the weight accumulated during pregnancy is lost at the time of giving birth" (One luck, no doubt, imagine how terrible it must be to give birth to your baby and realize that most kilos are still there ... it makes me want to cry to myself just thinking about it, and that I am a man - ironic , Sure -).

Can you be more superficial?

Yes, I know, it's just listing the changes a pregnant woman is experiencing. The problem is that all changes are explained as if it were something negative, something that it destroys your body, something that nobody would want to happen, and explains it under the title of "your body takes leave." Are there not pregnant bodies 10?

The same photomontage they show shows us a hypothetical Pilar Rubio just as impressive as now, but with a belly. I would not say that any leave has been taken, but that it is still her, but with a baby inside.

Assuming then that there are very beautiful pregnant women with infarct bodies (I think that the minimum intelligence of every person is enough to recognize that under the belly there is a baby, and that it is not accumulated fat), I do not understand very well what comes so much I am sorry for the changes that the girl will live.

But it is not just that, it is that if in eight months Pilar really was not like in the photo, if his body took many more kilos, his waist would increase and everything that foreshadows the article happened, what? What would happen? Wouldn't it be valid anymore? Couldn't work anymore? Couldn't it be valued the same way? Wouldn't she be the same woman?

Stop selling, please, the maxim that every woman should be a perfect woman and mother, with an idyllic relationship, with a magnificent body, with model children, with an impeccable image, with the house always clean and collected, with the complexion like the skin of a baby, without spots or wrinkles, with a job where it can be done professionally and I don't know how many more things.

Stop doing it because Women's day has the same 24 hours as men's day, and because so much demand can only end in frustrations, so many that the strange thing is to find women without complexes, with high self-esteem and without trying to become that impossible woman, who does not exist, but who sell us as "the normal woman" .

Video: Watch Donald Trump's first State of the Union address (July 2024).