Delicious rainbow chard with prawns. Christmas recipe for pregnant women

I do not know if you know this variety of chard with stems of different colors, red, orange, yellow and white classics. When I saw her at the greengrocer I could not resist and brought them home to prepare these delicious chard arcoris with prawns that will undoubtedly be a great Christmas recipe for pregnant women

Its beautiful color, which you will appreciate better in the photos of the step by step where they are not yet cooked, the intense flavor of this vegetable and the contrast we have achieved when cooking them with the prawns and sesame, make this recipe a nice party dish , even a light and healthy dish to taste in this happy moment of life.

Ingredients for 2 portions

  • 1 bunch arcoriris chard, 12 prawns, extra virgin olive oil, sesame oil (optional) and a handful of sesame or sesame seeds

How to make rainbow chard with prawns

We start by splitting the chard, separating the leaves that we will use for another recipe and the pencas that we will cut into small pieces and that will be the ones we use for today's recipe. We cook them in a saucepan with water and a little salt for about 15 minutes.

In a wide pan or if you prefer in a wok, skip the prawns, to which we will have head removed and we will have peeled, also removing the vein or intestine giving them a superficial cut to do so.

Then, we put in the pan a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. If you have Sesame oil, (which you will find without difficulty in department stores or stores of Asian products), you can add a splash over the olive oil and you will see how its aroma extends that will then permeate the entire dish giving it an exotic touch.

In the oil, sauté the chard pencas with the prawns and add a handful of Sesame seeds to find a crispy dot. After a couple of minutes stirring continuously, we will have an original and colorful light dinner ready. To the table!

Processing time | 25 minutes Difficulty | Very easy


This arcoriris chard recipe with prawns It is an excellent dinner since the fiber of the chard has great satiating effect and is perfectly complemented with the taste of the proteins that the prawns provide. You can do it for yourself, or prepare more to enjoy with the family. You will see how much you like them.

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