A 12-year-old boy studies in the street while his parents work and brings out outstanding, an inspiring example

Eugenia López tells us on Facebook that she was walking quickly to the bakery where she works in the City of Córdoba (Argentina), but that she had to stop to take a picture of a child who did his homework concentrated, oblivious to the noise and bustle of the street and withstanding freezing temperatures.

He explains that he wanted to show his daughters how lucky they are to be "To be able to do their warm, comfortable, warm tasks inside the house, with the pencils they chose, with the tools they like best ...".

the boy is Angelo is 12 years old and does homework while her parents, who are street vendors, work. The image has gone viral, like example that who wants to study, can, because despite the adversities, get outstanding at school.

A history of overcoming

A few months ago we shared another similar story, of those that reach our hearts: that of Victor, a Peruvian boy who did his homework in the light of a lamppost because he had no light in his house.

In Babies and more, the boy who did his homework under a lamppost because his mother could not afford the light, will release a house thanks to an Arab businessman

And now, while Spanish schoolchildren enjoy their summer vacations, from Argentina we get the image of Angelo Barreda and his efforts to learn.

All thanks to Eugenia López, mother of two daughters, who posted the photo on her Facebook account where she says that "I left thinking that always, always, always, wanting is power ...".

According to the Argentine newspaper 'Clarín', the child's parents, Analía and Rafael, have a small mobile stall in the center of the city of Córdoba where they are between 10 and 12 hours a day. So when he leaves school at noon, he leaves with them and waits in the street until they return home.

While they work, he sits in a pot and improvises a desk with a chair to do his homework. This is what a photograph tells, taken at a temperature of 4ºC and where, according to Angelo later, he was studying English.

By the way! He took a 9.50 on the exam, although he claims to be angry because he failed in nonsense. Very mature for his age, he adds that:

"I like the street, but I have a house and I go to school, I never miss ... And I understand that, if I want to study, the street is the only place because my parents work there all day. So, I prefer not to waste time" .

He is convinced that he will study law, "Because I really like the laws, and I also want to be prepared and have enough tools in a country where there won't be many possibilities".

He also says he doesn't like football, but music does. He is good at studying and is a pride for his parents.

"I am proud of how it is, of its effort to improve and vindicate parents who did not study."

This is how Analía, her mother, expresses that on the day of the photo she had sent Angelo to study at a nearby friend bar, "Because the cold was tremendous, but he wanted to be close to us, see us and chat, so I left him not very convinced. He often studies on the street, says that it is better than doing it at night, when he is already very tired."

Rafael and Analía confess that, somehow, they prefer Angelo to study there, "In the open air, but in our sight, and not to return home only in the afternoon."

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Without a doubt, an example for other children. Surely with his willpower he manages to fulfill his dreams and those of his parents, and become a lawyer. Because as Eugenia, the author of the photography of Angelo studying and who has gone viral, said, "Always, always, wanting is power."

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).