The role of the father during pregnancy

Father's Day is approaching and we want to dedicate a special space to all the parents who read us, in this case to the future parents. What is the father's role during pregnancy? Is he a mere spectator or can he get involved during the nine months, before the baby is born?

As you can imagine, the father has much to say and do during this period, being able to become a fundamental pillar for the future mother and starting the bond with her baby even from the womb.

Before pregnancy

Also before getting pregnant, the future dad can do a lot because he is doing better, taking care of your diet and your overall health, since a healthy man is more likely to be fertile.

If you are planning the pregnancy, it is convenient that the woman is fit and also the man. Exercise together, it will be more enjoyable. Thus, leading healthy habits as a couple, it will be easier for women and it will also be easier to conceive.

It is convenient that the man also attends the preconception visit, because the specialist can also ask questions of interest to rule out problems when conceiving (family history, illness ...).

Pregnancy confirmation

In the case that you are looking for pregnancy, it is recommended that, before a delay, you share the emotion of performing the pregnancy test, whenever the woman so desires. In this way you can be together, both to support you if the great news has not yet occurred and to share the joy of a positive outcome.

Now a new task awaits you and also "in family": deciding the baby's name. You can start making listings!

A healthy pregnancy, also for the father

During the nine months of gestation the mother has to lead a healthy lifestyle and give up certain habits such as tobacco or alcohol, highly harmful to the fetus. It will be much easier for her to leave those habits if she doesn't see them around her.

Don't smoke during your wife's pregnancy, because "secondhand" smoke is also harmful, apart from the rejection that the simple smell of tobacco causes many pregnant women. Also avoid drinks if she feels temptations, because she can't (shouldn't) share that moment.

Eat healthy and try to keep out of the diet, even momentarily, forbidden foods or little recommended during pregnancy. Share with her a healthy diet, your body will also appreciate it.

Go for a walk with her and do her exercises to keep fit during pregnancy, it is easier and more enjoyable to do it in company.

Visits to the gynecologist

Another very comforting accompaniment for women and that strengthens the couple are visits to the gynecologist, to perform the first ultrasound, to follow up, see the images of the baby, discover if it is a boy or a girl, go to monitors when the birth date is approaching ...

Throughout the nine months there are several consultations to the doctor (analysis, tests, ultrasound…) and although it is difficult to go to all, you have to strive to be in the majority. These are very exciting moments and spending them alone can be sad for some women, or increase their nerves ... Better accompanied in those cases.

Childbirth preparation classes

Soon we will see that the role of the father in childbirth is important, so it is essential that this is well informed of how the great moment will be. A good way to do this is to accompany the future mother to childbirth preparation classes.

These classes are increasingly oriented to couples and in them you learn a lot about pregnancy, childbirth and baby care, where of course the father will also have much to say and what to contribute. It teaches us the best exercises in preparation for childbirth and also meets other couples who expect a baby and share experiences.

And, above all, they will learn how to support the mother in the final stretch of pregnancy, understanding all her changes and knowing how to help her at the time of delivery.

Preparing the baby's arrival

Many women have to deal alone with the preparation of the arrival of the baby, but it is not an easy task for them (especially in the last quarter) and they would probably want help. And who better than dad? The room, the crib, the baby's clothes… for everything you can contribute opinion and decide together.

In this way the baby is "known" better and imagines, we imagine, already living with him (although after exceeding all our expectations and breaking the odd scheme).

Bind with baby

Talk to your child, even if he is not yet born he can hear you and he will know your voice. Feel his kicks in the gut, put music on him, do massage, sing her babysitters, pronounce his name ... All this will help you feel closer to the boy or girl, because you are already a father before having him in his arms.

Take the opportunity to take care of your wife when she needs it, make her feel good, strong and safe especially at the end of pregnancy. Listen to her to know what her needs are and understand the great hormonal and physical revolution she is going through.

There is less left for the baby to reach your lives and Dad is very important also during pregnancy, before birth. This stage will be much more pleasant and bearable for the couple and prepares you for the arrival of the new member to the family. !! Congratulations!!

Photos | Thinkstock On Babies and more | Father's day

Video: Pregnancy and the Role of Fathers (July 2024).