A mother sews and donates shirts designed especially for extreme premature babies

When a baby is going to be born, one of the things that makes us most excited is to think about the first laying. During pregnancy, we buy clothes imagining our baby with her, but sometimes the plans do not go as planned and the baby arrives early. One in ten babies is born prematurely and getting clothes for them is not so simple, especially when we talk about extreme premature babies born between weeks 22 and 28.

After giving birth to her baby with 25 weeks of gestation and seeing that it was almost impossible to get such small clothes, Amanda Huhta, a mother from Tucson, He decided to create shirts designed especially for extreme premature babies. She sews them herself and donates them to the babies who are admitted to hospital intensive care units.

25 weeks and four days

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have.

The name of your project is Twenty five and four (twenty-five and four), which is the gestation time of your baby, 25 weeks and four days. It weighed just 500 grams and both she and her husband were destroyed by the arrival of her baby so prematurely in the world that she must have been in intensive care for more than a hundred days fighting for her life.

Amanda says that She felt unable to dress her baby when she saw him so fragile and tiny. That the simple gesture that should be a moment of connection between them, generated anxiety when handling garments that were giant in that tiny body connected to pipes, cables and tracks.

With the help of his mother, he began sewing shirts for premature babies and distributed them for free to babies admitted to the Tucson Medical Center. On the web you can contact her to request one of her shirts with the reason you choose, and of course they also accept donations so that your project can grow.

They are shirts with a particular design, very easy to put on and with velcro closure, designed so that they do not interfere when dressing the baby. He wants that, thanks to this, all parents can keep in their memory that magical moment of dressing their baby for the first time.

Video: MDA's Human Milk Bank to save Premature Babies (July 2024).