A mom paints the Barbie to make them a mother

I don't know what opinion you have about dolls Barbie, but if something is clear is that they look very little like real women and that, in some cases, they can affect girls' diet (there are studies that show that girls who play with Barbies eat less than those who play with less thin dolls).

Perhaps that is why, for a few years, people are struggling to have dolls with a more normal appearance, and that is why many people, very skilled with their hands, are erasing the “makeup” they bring from the factory to create alternatives closer to reality.

One of the artists that does it is Bretty Strachan, a mother who for some time paints the Barbie to make them a mother: her Barbie breastfeedingIn fact, it is going around the world.

When he painted it, he saw that it resembled the moms of his group

Bretty is the mother of two children ages 3 and 5, lives in Brisbane, Australia, and has been painting Barbies for four years as a hobby. As we read in The Huffington Post, it was not his intention to create a breastfeeding Barbie; he simply saw, when painting one of the dolls, that the expression he had left, his new face, it reminded him a lot of the moms of the support group who often goes to.

It was having her finished, looking at her, and thinking to herself that that Barbie reincarnated all the moms in her group: beautiful and companions, able to support each other, so she looked for a toy baby she had at home and made her her baby. Thus, he began to imitate different positions of women caring for and nursing their babies, and to show them in their Etsy store, where they were sold immediately.

In other times he had put on sale other pregnant Barbie, but he had never been so successful, because his intention was simply to get some money to buy new dolls and materials, and continue with his hobby to sell them again.

Following this creation, Bretty has received more orders, and it seems that there are many mothers who want their sons and daughters to play with a doll that really looks like a mom taking care of her baby.

What do you think? We love!

Video: DIY LOL Surprise Peanut Butter MOM Makeover ! Real Easy Barbie Doll Family Craft Video (July 2024).