A nuisance that nobody tells you: uncontrollable shaking after giving birth

The puerperium or postpartum is an especially sensitive stage for the recent mother, in which she experiences numerous physical and emotional changes. There are some awkward truths in this period, but there is one that happens immediately ** after giving birth ** of which no one warns you, or at least nobody told me and I had a really bad time.

Agitation, chills, snapping teeth and uncontrollable tremors they are quite frequent after childbirth, and can occur either after a caesarean section or a vaginal delivery, and although it is annoying, It does not pose any risk to the mother and they pass by themselves a few hours later.

Why are tremors due to childbirth?

It is not due to a cause, but to a conjunction of factors that occur at the time of giving birth:

  • Decreased blood flow at the peripheral level produced during childbirth, which causes paleness and cold and tries to compensate with tremor.

  • Hormonal changes: The woman experiences a hormonal revolution in childbirth, including adrenal hormones, which may be responsible for tremors after childbirth.

  • Epidural anesthesia: anesthesia causes a drop in blood pressure or hypotension, which is also compensated with tremor. In my case, I am sure that this has been the cause of me trembling like a leaf after my second birth, since in the third I asked that the dose of anesthesia be lighter and I did not feel tremors.

  • Intravenous fluids: The fluids given intravenously are colder than body temperature, so it can make you feel cold and shaky.

  • Amniotic fluid microembolisms: Small amounts of amniotic fluid can seep into the bloodstream during surgery and cause chills or tremors.

Tremors may be accompanied by burning, cramping, pain and pale skin, but they are variable phenomena from one woman to another and can last minutes or even a couple of hours after delivery.

It is a perfectly expected symptom, but from which probably nobody will let you know. If it happens to you, it is good to know in advance that it is something normal, so try to relax, breathe and that this temporary discomfort does not prevent you from enjoying your baby during its first hour of life.

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