Cesarean delivery: seven tips that will help you recover more easily

If you just went through a C-section, you may feel tired, dazed and very sore. The first days with a newborn are not easy. It is a phase of adaptation to a new situation and of getting to know each other little by little.

Women who give birth by caesarean section, sometimes we forget ourselves, ignoring that we have undergone a major abdominal surgery which, as such, requires some post surgical care that are not limited exclusively to the care of a scar.

You have gone through a C-section but your baby claims you again and again and you just want to feel good as soon as possible to attend to it. You get frustrated, you despair and you crave power recover strength and mobility sooner.

Patience. Everything comes. But for that, it is important that the first weeks you take care of yourself, don't make efforts and ask for help always That you need it. In addition, following these tips that we propose you can help make your recovery faster:

1. Stand up and walk as soon as possible

The time to get up for the first time after a C-section is something that no woman who has gone through it easily forgets. You feel enormous pressure in the affected area and the feeling of "splitting in two" at any time.

However, as painful as it may be, it is important to get up as soon as possible (always after the indication of the medical staff) and try to increase the frequency and distance of the rides.

Walk always attached to someone's arm and try to do it most upright way possible. It may be impossible at first, but remember that the more straight the position you adopt, the faster the recovery.

In Babies and more, how is the recovery after caesarean section?

2. Don't make efforts and ask for help

After three or four days - generally coinciding with the date of hospital discharge - you may feel strong, almost recovered and anxious to get home and begin to take care of your baby one hundred percent.

But you shouldn't trust yourself. It is important that rest as long as possible, that you do not drive, go up or down stairs or take weight. Ask someone to give you your baby when you want to have him in his arms or breastfeed, and if certain tasks such as lying in his crib or bathing require you to force postures, it is better that at the moment someone else do them.

You must not forget about go for a walk every day, but try to do it always accompanied (at least the first few days) and not to overdo it. Find your rhythm, stand and rest every time you need it and go expanding the distance every day.

Remember that the recovery of a caesarean section is like a race in the background where starting slowly and saving energy is essential to reach the goal

3. Protect your abdomen

The cesarean scar takes approximately ten days to healThat is why it is very important to take care of the area during those days to avoid complications, infections or that the wound can open again.

However, there are certain involuntary acts such as coughing, laughing, sneezing ... that can cause us pain. Try to hold your gut with your hands when this occurs or, better yet, cover it with a pillow. In this way, you will be giving supporting your abdomen while protecting it.

4. Take care of your diet

The anesthesia, the difficulty of movement of the first days and the procedures that are used in the abdominal surgical interventions, can contribute to the appearance of Gases, cramps and constipation.

Standing up and walking will help you, but also drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet and rich in fiber. Taking care of your diet you can combat the discomfort and recover the intestinal rhythm as soon as possible.

5. Wash the scar daily and dry it well

The most important care required by the C-section scar is the daily hygiene. When you shower every day remember to wash the scar well with ajua and neutral PH soap. Dry it afterwards very well with light touches and, unless your doctor has recommended something else, you will not need to cover it with any dressing.

You should be aware of any signs that may indicate an infection, such as itching, stinging, bulging at some point, a rare color change, a bad smell, fever ... or any other symptoms that make you suspect.

When the stitches have been removed, ask your doctor about the use of moisturizing oils to help good healing and go to a physiotherapist specialized in pelvic floor to treat adhesions and other aspects related to the surgical intervention.

6. Wear comfortable clothes

We must also take great care when dressing after a C-section, because not everything goes. Run away from elastic, tight clothes and buttons that can get stuck in your scar. It is preferable that during the first days you opt for baggy clothes that are tied with bow or wide dresses.

In addition, as we said at the beginning, we must avoid forcing or bending the body. Thus, it is preferable to wear open clogs or shoes rather than sandals that require an adjustment, or garments that can be put on the head and buckled in front, rather than those that get under the feet, and that force you to bend over, or fasten on the back.

In Babies and more, how to care for the caesarean scar?

7. Safety and comfort also when breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can also be established even if you have had a C-section. The important thing is that there is no separation between mother and baby during the first hours, and that in case of discomfort or doubts professional help is sought as soon as possible.

The first few days you may feel uncomfortable and find it difficult to find the right posture to breastfeed without pain. Supporting the baby on the abdomen can be painful and the impossibility of moving freely makes it difficult to find a position in which you feel comfortable.

If this happens, try to breastfeed or help yourself with a nursing pillow or cushion. The feeling of having protegia the abdominal area and the ciactriz will give you greater peace of mind apart from allowing you to support the baby on the cushion without discomfort for you.

  • IStock photos
  • In Babies and More Caesarean section on video, step by step, How is the recovery after caesarean section, Constipation during postpartum, How to care for the scar of caesarean section, Promotion of breastfeeding after caesarean section, The best positions for breastfeeding after a caesarean section,

Video: Anaesthetic procedure for elective caesarean section C section (July 2024).