Replace coffee in pregnancy

With pregnancy, there are many women who must completely eliminate coffee intake and for some of them it is a great effort. It is not wise to dispense with caffeine in an abrupt manner, since a series of symptoms caused by this sudden interruption such as headache, fatigue, etc. can occur.

According to experts, it is best to use moderation instead of elimination. Something to keep in mind is that not all coffees have the same amount of caffeine. An example would be the most consumed coffee variety, the robust coffee that has between 2 and 3.5% of caffeine, only by changing the variety can we decrease the caffeine content by half. Another alternative would be to use decaffeinated coffees that contain a minimum part of caffeine depending on the type, between 0.1 and 0.3%.

But the question is, is it necessary replace coffee during pregnancy?, completely not and depending on the case, experts indicate that a minimum contribution that does not exceed 300 milligrams of caffeine does not produce any contradictory effect on either the baby or the mother, moreover, they indicate that it has a positive and healthy effect causing well-being, eliminating fatigue and favoring intellectual functions among other issues. There are only contraindications when the future mother has some discomforts such as those of the digestive type (heartburn, heaviness of the stomach, etc.) and therefore it will be necessary to eliminate the intake of coffee or other drinks containing caffeine.

These symptoms usually occur during the first three months of pregnancy caused by the hormonal change and during the last three months by the pressure exerted by the fetus on the stomach. Caffeine causes the stomach to produce a greater amount of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (a substance that is involved in the digestion of proteins), which explains why caffeinated drinks are discouraged when digestive disorders are suffered.

Although depending on the person it is difficult to replace the taste of coffee, you can opt for some type of infusion such as a peppermint or chamomile and preferably after meals, as they help to digestion.

Video: Myths in pregnancy cover caffeine, fish, manicures (July 2024).