Wake up and have breakfast !, new campaign to promote a healthy breakfast

How many times have we talked about the importance of adequate food and that we should educate our children in this habit from very young to adopt food hygiene as what it is, something normal and healthy, this will benefit them both now and in the future .

But many times parents, because of the morning haste forget that their children need to recover energy to face the morning, and as much as they find it hard to recognize, they too.

We always get up with time and sit down to have breakfast together, fortunately we can enjoy a few minutes in the morning to devote the first words and smiles of the day accompanied by a healthy breakfast, which does not lack carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. Again the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs has launched a campaign to promote healthy breakfast, Wake up and have breakfast! It is aimed at both parents and children, it is clear that children who do not eat breakfast well is because of the lack of attention of their parents.

Only 7 out of 100 children make a healthy breakfast, and do not forget that health is also in the diet, because a good breakfast helps reduce the risk of obesity, it will only be necessary to continue with the healthy diet the rest of the day . Although it costs you to do it for yourself, everything is done for the children. It is worth going to bed a little earlier at night and enjoy the good morning table.

Video: 12 Healthy Breakfast Food Options (July 2024).