Sesam, a Swiss children's mental health study

What is the Sesam Study? It is a very special and long-term program that attempts to identify the parameters of psychic development that are carried out throughout life.

3,000 family members will be monitored for 20 years and even the children will be monitored before they are born, starting from the 12th week of gestation.

Sesam (Swiss Etiological Study of Adjustment and Mental Health), Swiss Etiological Study of Adjustment and Mental Health, has conditions for its development by the Ethics Commission of the semi-cantons of Basel-City and Basel-Country, especially because children are used in it and above all, it is essential to preserve the integrity of the children. The idea is to obtain the keys to determine different mental and mental problems whose origin is nested in childhood. The Sesam Study is promoted by the University of Basel and different Swiss researchers from other universities in the country participate. A large funding provided by the Swiss National Fund for Scientific Research and various private sector companies will ensure compliance with this study.

Recently, this study was given the green light, although some modifications had to be made for this, such as the analysis of children's DNA, since they were initially contemplated, but after the study carried out by the Ethics Commission, it was decided that these Analysis could be done when the children reached the age of majority and decided for themselves.