Plan healthy breakfasts to take to school

It is very possible that it is on vacation when you have taken advantage of your child to learn new and healthy eating concepts, having more time, you can devote to making a family breakfast enjoying healthy food and sharing the first minutes of the morning talking.

Once school classes begin, it can be done the same, it is only necessary to get up a little earlier and maybe spend a little less time than now, but healthy nutritional habits should be followed throughout the year, and a good breakfast is the “gasoline” that It helps us start the day.

The breakfast that children bring to school does not have to stick to a sandwich, a sandwich or pastriesWith this we must take care of the environment and put breakfast in a recyclable container, the options multiply, our son wins and the planet wins. Now that you still have many days of vacation, you can prepare a lunchbox or tupper to your liking, painting it, writing your name, drawing pictures ... We must explain that later it will serve to bring a very good breakfast that will help you grow healthy and strong.

There are many options and the variety of foods they can bring for breakfast at school, tuppers give us many possibilities, even some allow us to leave them prepared beforehand, so in the morning there will be no problem or lack of time.

We start the list with the energetic nuts, fruit (whole or chopped), natural apple compote, yogurt, celery sticks stuffed with cheese and raisins (a little American), sliced ​​or diced cheese, hummus with pita bread ... They can also be combined with a piece of pineapple, one with cheese and another with ham. Sounds delicious right?

We can think of many more, it is necessary to provide desirable combinations, but of course, you always have to adapt a little to the palate of the child, it is possible that if we put him to take something he does not like at school, he leaves it, unless We have the guarantee that the teachers will worry about being eaten.

Since parents are not at school at breakfast time, precisely when many children first think about playing, we should ask the teachers and naturally talk to our son, ask what he plays during recess, if It gives you time to have breakfast and then play, if you like one thing or another for breakfast, etc.

Video: On-The-Go Breakfast Ideas Meal Planning (May 2024).