Five mothers, five stories

As the title suggests, the book I want to recommend today is a compilation of five stories about motherhood told by five very different mothers.

A foreign mother, a single mother by donor insemination, an adoptive mother, a mother who lived the death of a son and a conventional mother (who also have them) have agreed on a beautiful project that has taken the form of a book.

Five mothers, five stories are the puzzle stories of these five women who have wanted to convey the feelings and sensations they have lived since they became mothers. How maternity has transformed them, sweet experiences, bitter ones ... stories from the heart that one day their children will be able to read.

Surely many mothers will feel identified with their stories. It has not yet reached my hands but it is already included in my summer reading list.

On the Cinco Madres website you can take a look at the first chapter of the book, the logbook, see discarded texts, learn more about the authors and discover that the benefits obtained from the sale of books will go to a home for abandoned children from Peru.

It certainly looks good. If someone has already read Five Mothers, we would love five stories to tell us their impressions about the book.

Video: What Happens When Boys Get Raised By Single Mothers - Five Stories (July 2024).