The TV that does not educate: 'A.N.T. Farm Talent School '

Today we make a new stop on television unsuitable for children to determine in 'A.N.T. Farm Talent School '. The series arrives converted into a sitcom starring mainly children that Disney Channel broadcasts every afternoon at 7:15 p.m. It is a fiction created in the United States and also part of the wide family of the Disney factory. Once again, we are facing a product starring small stars that manage to reach the public by highlighting in the world of music. The fiction revolves around its protagonist trio, three small actors turned into children's idols thanks to a fiction that has very little childhood.

'A.N.T. Farm Escuela de Talentos' currently has two seasons that we can see in Spain since November 2011. For its broadcast time, for the channel on which it is broadcast and for the resources it serves, again we are facing an inadequate series However, it appears as a suggestive dish for children. Following our criteria, we include 'A.N.T. Farm Talent School 'in those television spaces that broadcast inappropriate values ​​and that certainly do not present an educational format for the little ones, although we are aware that the last word does not fall on us.

What is A.N.T. Farm?

'A.N.T. Farm Escuela de Talentos' chronicles the life of Chyna Parks, an 11-year-old girl who is accepted into the ANT program of a Higher School, a program for special children that stand out for their skills and aptitudes. Chyna's specialty is the world of music, since he knows how to sing and play a good number of instruments, so his goal will be to perfect the technique while living a good number of crazy situations with his two great friends.

Chyna is accompanied by Olive, a girl with photographic memory, and Fletcher, a boy with great artistic gifts who falls in love with Chyna from day one. In the school there are other characters with recurring roles, although perhaps the most striking is that of Lexi, an older girl who sees in Chyna a rival who must be intimidated at all times so that she does not shade him in the day-to-day life of the school.

What can we expect from the series?

The most striking of 'A.N.T. Farm School of Talents' is to observe the history that they present to us considering that the protagonist of the series He is a character who is 11 years old. If we look at it from this perspective and keep in mind that as a consequence many children can approach their stories, we have as a result an inappropriate product that turns children into teenagers.

Because, although they sell fiction as a children's product aimed at the Disney Channel audience, 'A.N.T. Farm Escuela de Talentos' makes these children (the main protagonist trio) acquire adult roles. Those desires to become a music star, the flirtations of some characters or the personality of the protagonist, who stands out for an improper maturity for someone his age that well we could find in the character of a university student in her twenties, makes children all but children.

This adult costume is the one that these children may have in real life, turned into little stars because of the self-confidence and the humor they present on the screen. The problem is that they are stars for children taken from a series of adults, since the plots of 'A.N.T. Farm Talent School 'could be part of any other sitcom that are issued in the prime time of the United States today.

The example to follow proposed by the series goes through those children who already think of love affairs and are sexually attracted to their peers, who are infected by the rise of technology, have rivalries to highlight or be popular or they pretend to appear the age they don't have. Series like this influence the rapid development that many children are currently undergoing, where childhood stages are reduced and intermingle with each other.

In the chapter that starts' A.N.T. Farm School of Talents' we observe the arrival of Chyna to the High School where she will carry out her training within the A.N.T. For children's talents. In the episode, Chyna meets her new friends (one of them will be attracted to her from the first moment) with whom she does not hesitate to escape from home to go to a party organized by the older boys from his school.

'A.N.T. Farm School of talents', children who cease to be

The idea from which 'A.N.T. Farm Talent school 'is not new. We have already observed something similar in many other fictions that start from the basis of presenting a child / adolescent star that stands out in the world of music, so that be revered by the boys of your generation thanks to the television production on duty. And, to achieve this purpose, there are times when we observe that the protagonists lose the traits of childhood that they should show at their age. The danger of these productions, as we have been emphasizing these days, lies in the enormous effect that it makes for the young public due to the simple fact of being broadcast on a children's channel.

Even so, fiction continues successfully in the United States and that makes us think that here it will also come the next season of the series that already works, which will be the third one 'A.N.T. Farm Talent School '. In it, the protagonist will continue to grow and probably the creators dare to include it in more adult plots, although, as we have been observing since the beginning of the series, it is a character who still has a few years to become The teenager who pretends to be in fiction.